Where on earth has no Doper ever been?

Well, I’ve been to Svalbard, and I remember from a thread that someone else has too.

I believe he was crew on a tall ship.

tdn is right, that was on my sailing trip. No special signifigance, except that’s where we were when the crew decided to give us a swim call.

When I saw the thread title, my first thought was that there are probably a thousand mundane answers, like “the fifth floor of the Flatiron Building”, but it would be hard to find them.

Thanks for the details.

And yes, those mundane answers would be very hard to pin down, if for no better reason than that folks would have a hard time naming all the places they’ve never been – with any level of precision. On the other hand, I have often wondered if there are any places on the planet where no human being (not to mention Dopers) has ever set foot. It would be impossible to determine for now departed humans, but even with the ones capable of responding to this query I suspect the thousands who have passed through these pages could account for a large percentage of the surface of the planet.

That’s one heavy thought!

I think it would be more fun to try to find places that only exactly one Doper has ever been. Like, “I bet nobody else has been to…”

Look elsewhere on MPSIMS.

As in HERE

I’ve been there. I don’t think that I am the only Doper who has been there either.

I grew up in Minot, North Dakota, which is surrounded by 150 missile silos. Seeing one by the side of the road always makes me think, “I’m almost to Mom’s house.” http://www.nukewatch.com/weapons/index.html

In the last few years I’ve seen directional signs to the silos. I guess the Air Force finally realized that silo locations were no secret, and many country roads look the same.

As far as “biggest chunk o’ land that no Doper has been to”, Novaya Zemlya has to be a pretty good candidate. (I’m assuming we have people that have visited Greenland and Antarctica.)

Bear Island? Novaya Zemlya?

See previous post!

Apparently it took me over 3 minutes to type those three words. Jeez… :smack: I was checking the spelling! That’s it!

Fiji. I was there in 1995.

How about North Korea? They do accept tourists but I’ll be somewhat surprised if a doper has been there.

There are some reallllly remote parts of tibet I’m sure no doper has visited. I sure there’s been dopers to N Korea. My father has been but that was 50+ years ago. some of our Korean vet dopers have probably been. I’ve been to the border from the china side and maybe AstroBoy or Monty or someone has certainly been on the S Korean side.

Maybe no one has been to Mustang or Bhutan?

I’ve been to the North Pole. Got there by submarine in 1993.

Burma here! Back in the late 70’s. Amazing place. Highly recommended!