Where to find cost and boxoffice figures for movies?

For reasons I cannot now reconstruct, I was brooding about Woody Allen this morning before getting up. (Brooding about Woody Allen midday, okay, I can see that – but before I’m even out of bed? Yikes.)

Anyway, I was having one of my periodic ruminations on what a jerk I think he is, and how much it irritates me that all these people fawn over him, and I started wondering – who the hell actually goes to see his movies? And why is he still making them?

So obviously I need to know how much he spends to make a movie, and how much it brings in.

Is there a single website that has info like this in simple form?


boxofficemojo.com has costs and income for current movies. I’ve never looked to see if they have numbers on anything older.

I looked up Annie Hall as a test and found it. So they have at least some older movies.

Very cool site, jsgoddess – the indices section includes “People,” which is broken down to actors, directors, producers, screenwriters, cinematographers, and composers. I haven’t even started looking at “Genres,” “Franchises,” etc. yet. Sigh. So much for getting anything done today. :wink:

Thanks! That puppy gets bookmarked.

Now if it just had costs as well, so we could figure out profitability… So if anyone has other sites, feel free to post 'em.

For recent movies, it does have production and marketing costs.

Man, check out the genre list: link. I may not get anything done all weekend!

The Numbers is a great site for statistical info about movies.

imdb.com has some figures for some movies if you click on the side link that says “box office & business.” For example, I just entered “Purple Rose of Cairo” and got this:

$15,000,000 (estimated)

$10,600,000 (USA)
ESP 472,300,922 (Spain)
SEK 2,420,341 (Sweden)

1,803,894 (France)
1,509,877 (Spain)
70,213 (Sweden)

Filming Dates
November 1983 - February 1984

It should be pointed out, however, that the “business information” page at the IMDB seems to be only filled in for the more popular Hollywood movies, not for every movie.

I’ve always wondered about the accuracy of the numbers. Both the cost and the gross.

In Hollywood the most creative minds are the accountants.

Great site, pinkfreud! (Have I ever remembered to tell you how much I like your username? Because I always think it.)

And, yeah, Zebra, obviously the figures aren’t going to be gospel anywhere. (As someone observed in the similar thread going on right now about DVDs, knowledge is power on this stuff, the public domain figures may or may not be gospel.) I’m just curious about a big picture thing.

Thanks, everyone!

Yes, which is why I said “some figures for some movies.”

Dangit, how come my disclaimers never look like disclaimers to other people?

I read it as a disclaimer, sis. (Harrumph. Some people!)