Which actors do you secretly find attractive?

Me too, foolsguinea, on both counts, but until now I thought I was alone.

Also, FWIW, if I were a guy, I would vote for Janeane Garafalo too.

Judy Davis, especially the way she looked in Naked Lunch.

Another for Jack Black. Chow Yun Fat too.

How strange…

Geoffrey Rush. Quite the babe as Captain Barbossa and the Marquis.

There’s nothing secret about my drooling over Chow Yun Fat, so I didn’t put him here.


anybody for minnie driver?? find her amazing… esp. in grosse point blank…

Hugo Weaving. I’d admit it, but…well, almost everyone I know associates him with Agent Smith.

OK, I dread to say this, but a young Jonathan Frakes, you know, from Star Trek TNG…

hangs head in shame and runs away, having already been mocked mercilessly by my office amtes when I confefssed this

Patrick Stewart. I watched “Fraiser” last week to see him play a gay guy. Damn good episode.

My #1 crush is Montel Williams. He is just plain gorgeous.

the young Harvey Keitel
also the young Sam Neill
probably more that I can’t think of right now at work. Gosh it’s fun to look at pretty people at the movies, isn’t it?

I’m goona 3rd Jeaneane Garofalo and second Minnie Driver.

John Spenser…Balding, blonde, recovering alky…GAWD what am I thinking?
Arden Ranger and susan_foster When you get that Jeremy Irons sammich, I want to listen in.The sexiest part of that man is his voice!
Don’t know his name, but he used to wrestle with the WCW under the name “Disco Inferno”. He does announcing for another company now.

Not my crush, but my friend Rebecca absolutely drools over Maury Povich.

Drew Carey
Colin Mochrie
Ryan Stiles
(Whose Line - mmmmm… )

John Cleese
Hector Elizondo
Sam Elliott
Ed Harris
Sam Neill
Mandy Patinkin

My, it’s warm in here. <fans self>

I’ve developed a tremendous crush on Bill Murray recently after seeing Lost in Translation. I find him extremely sexy in that role, for some reason.

It’s Ginger/Mary Anne, Jennifer/Bailey syndrome.
I always thought Mary Lynn Rajskub of The Larry Sanders Show was a cutie, even though she was sort of the frumpy one on the show. (Coincidentally, Janeane was on the show too).

I’m suprised that this thread has gone so long without the mention of Alan Rickman. Well, I fess up. I dig him.

I’d do all sorts of naughty things with Stanley Tucci.

Me too! But that’s not that disturbing. What’s disturbing is that one of his swooniest roles IMHO is Professor Snape… :eek: :wink:

I have an unexplainable crush on Drew Carey.

Runs away.