Dogs? Cats? Rabbits? Monkeys?
According to Cecil, few non-human female animals have orgasms. Although the stump-tail macaques seem to do pretty well.
Now wait a minnit. I saw a couple of garden snails on PBS “doing it”, and they both seemed to be enjoying themselves. All that slippery stuff, made me kinda…
According to the S.J. Gould in an essay whos name I’m not sure of all non-human mammals, both male and female, that have been tested have been demonstrated to be capabale of orgasm. In the females this has only been demonstrated for most species by manual manipulation (nice job huh?). Non-primate females never acheive orgasm during copulation. Numerous species of monkey have been demonstrated to achieve orgasm in the females.
Hopefully the ones I am dating
i dunno, from what i read of unreliable sources apparently almost all animals are capable of climaxing, but this climax is only pleasurable to a few mammals, such as dolphins and bonobos. and us of course.
I worked in as a zookeeper for twenty one years. The males of many species seem do derive some pleasure from breeding. Some more than others.
One of my favorite stories is that a new zookeeper ran up to me in a very exited state.
New guy: I think something is wrong with the male Camel!
Me: What is it?
New guy: Well, he was breeding one of the females and suddenly he just fell off and landed on his side. He hasn’t moved since!
Me: Oh, he’s fine. I think if you check back now, he will be smoking a cigarette.
I had seen this before and if what that Camel experienced wasn’t an orgasm I don’t know what one is.
I have seen other examples of orgasm in males of a few species (or at least of pleasure in breeding.) But I can not recall any females of any species that displayed pleasure. (I never worked with Primates.)
There was a Zebra stallion that would mastubate (don’t ask me how) but about once a month there would be Large amounts of semen in his stall.
Sorry to break your request, but… how’d he do that? :eek:
Rabbits. The bucks for sure, the does I don’t know.
I told you not to ask.
The only clue I had was at one time I saw him with an erection and he seemed to have more physical control of his penis than one might expect. I suspect that he would rub this apparatus against the inner part of his leg. But, I never saw this action in progress, so I am not sure. He seemed to like his privacy in this situation as we might.
And (ahem) that is masturbate.
Maybe he had our equivalent to a nocturnal emission? That would explain the regular intervals. Then again, I’ve never seen a zebra try to masturbate.
was it black and white?
Females have orgasms?