I don’t think it’s a novel, glee. I think Daneel is referring to a short story. I cannot remember its name, but it appeared in a collection “The Best of Asimov.”
There’s also the fourth book, Robots and Empire, if you haven’t read it. Lije is dead by then, but there’s a few flashbacks with him, and Daneel and Giskard star.
BTW, “Mirror Image” is also features in Asimov’s compilation, The Complete Robot.
Actually, that’s a bit of a misnomer, since the book was compiled in 1986. It thus fails to include Asimov’s later adventures with Giskard and R. Daneel Olivaw. A better title for this book would be The Almost Complete Robot.
To the best of my knowledge, just the novels. Aside from “Mirronr Image,” I don’t know of any short stories involving Daneel, Lije or Giskard.
Incidentally, if you want to be a Daneel completist, I suggest that you read some of Asimov’s last Foundation novels. (I don’t recall which ones off-hand, but to my mind, you’re better off reading them all anyway.)
The Complete Robot is an anthology of all of Asimov’s short stories involving robots, there is only one involving Daneel but there are about 20 odd other stories involving robots of some kind or another. A very interesting read.
Yeah, I know about those, having read all of Asimov’s novels (well, almost… I still haven’t gotten around to A Whiff of Death). I just didn’t want to refer to them directly, lest I spoil them for someone.
So, can anyone tell me if there is a novel which links up the last foundation book and the last Robot book. I want to find out about how the Solarians got to be the way they were and what Daneel was up to all that time and I want to know more details about Gaia. I know it’s sad to be curious about things that never happened, but I need closure dammit
Yeah, I read Murder at the ABA. Great execution, but it sucked as a mystery. I mean, when halfway through the book, the main character goes “Well, there was a crucial clue, that levels the murderer down to only two possible suspects, but it probably doesn’t mean anything, so I’ll just ignore it”, it’s not a good sign.
Token, the books in that chronology were The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn, and Robots and Empire (the Robot Novels), Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation*, Foundation’s End, Foundation and Earth, Prelude to Foundation, and Forward the Foundation. Asimov considered Pebble in the Sky, The Currents of Space, and The Stars like Dust to be part of the same world, but they don’t really tie in. Of those, the one which comes closest to being the “bridge” is Foundation and Earth… Have you read that one?
Yeah I’ve read it, but I still feel like Asimov was promising more explanation, There was a comment by Daneel (I think) insinuating that people should consider the fact that all humans in the galaxy had more or less the same physical attributes except for the solarians and that was significant. So I had always thought that he was planning a story or novel to explain this. But I understand that he wrote Foundation and Earth near the end of his life so maybe he just never got the chance to write it.