Which branch of the US Army constructed Camp Logan National Guard training facility?

Which branch of the US Army constructed Camp Logan National Guard training facility ? I couldn’t find any reference to which division of the US army constructed these National Guard training camps.

In my experience, many National Guard camps were actually built by their respective states, not any component of the federal government. Since the National Guard is primarily an organized State militia.

Editing to add: a bit of google-chasing led me to this:

To mobilize the men for battle, the country needed temporary facilities or camps to organize and train the recruits. The construction division of the army was created in May 1917 to build sixteen National Guard camps in locations across the nation. On June 14, 1917, it was announced that Houston had been awarded a camp site for a division of the Illinois National Guard.

The peculiar and singular wording of the phrase “the construction division” made me realize it meant an actual divison-sized administrative echelon of the Army. This idea led me to this:


A contemporary magazine article which describes this “Construction Division” in some detail.

Some camps are constructed for purpose by the state but most are former Army and Air Force bases or Naval Air Stations which were either maintained as federal land but turned over to a state National Guard to manage (such as Camp Navajo in Arizona, operated by the Arizona National Guard) or to another federal agency (former NAS Moffet Field, now Moffet Federal Airfield operated by NASA Ames Research Center which hosts the 129th Rescue Wing of the California Air National Guard).

For most states the National Guard was formed from elements of the pre-existing state militias by the Militia Act of 1903, although some states still retain an independent militia organization. For instance, California has the California State Guard, which while integrated with the California National Guard and Air National Guard for participation in disaster response and public unrest activities is independent of the federal government and is entirely funded by the state and cannot be federalized or called up for military duty outside their state as National Guard units can.
