Which character's life do you want?

Bilbo Baggins.
Or maybe Zaphod Beeblebrox.

Well, I know that we said that reviving old threads was OK in Cafe Society, but a four-year old thread is kinda… kinda… well, sorta pushing it, don’t you think?

Yeah, but there are almost as many responses to the thread today as it had the entire time it existed before. :smiley:

Ooh! Ooh! Great choice! If you get tired of being Harriet Vane, please let me give it a go. I’ve been in love with Lord Peter Wimsey ever since I was a teenager.

Flashman’s: popularity, fame, accolades, medals, knighthoods, wealth, booze, cigars, all the chicks in the world, the San Serafino Order Of Purity And Truth ,and the chance to come and roger the gorgeous Elspeth every couple of years. Of course, the constant hair-raising seceret missions in which I end up in the clutches of a demented tyrant and escape only to find myself in the midst of a pitched battle would be a little wearying, but I can always take consolation in the fact that there’ll be a seductive and deadly temptress to shag and the chance to fill my pockets with loot. And more honours, of course.

Homer Simpson.

He was the major of New Springfield, a bodyguard to the mayor, went on tour as a freak show headliner and a baseball mascot, was a country music singer’s manager, owner of the Denver Broncos, astronaut, Grammy winner, Monorail conductor, was elected sanitation commissioner, and met former President Gerald Ford.

So far, he’s lived a remarkable life.

You forgot his smackdown with George Bush {Snr}, which was at least a draw, despite Bush’s CIA skills.

CSM from X-Files.

Secretly in control of everything.

…and a Song on his lips!

Unless it is sci-fi or fantasy, the wimmen kinda get the short sheet.

I’m torn between wanting to be Miss Elizabeth Bennet or Stephanie Plum

Oh, and I definatley want to be Helen from the Lindsey Davis Historical Mysteries…then I’d be smart, rich, funny and I get to shag Falco. :::::swoon::::

Oh, decisions, decisions. Darcy or Ranger or Joe? Oh my.

It’s a deal! I’ll switch off to one of Shirley’s leavings in the off-season.

I want to be the Great Will of the Macrocosm from Excel Saga. Dunno if I’d date Pedro, though.

“Which fictional character’s life do you want?” - Off the top of my head, Eowyn: After a little angst, she helps to kill a major bad guy, becoming a legend. Then she gets to marry Faramir and live with him in Ithilien. Sounds good to me.

Arwen - cause she gets Aragorn. swoon

Or Eilonwy from The Prydain Chronicles.

Captain Nemo?

I wouldn’t mind being Harry Potter. 'Specially since

I don’t think he’s going to die.

But most of all, I’d probably want to be somebody carefree, yet full of adventure. Lots of fun stuff to do. I guess I’d probably be some kind of swashbuckler, so let’s go with

Hmm. This is tougher than I thought. Lemme think about it and I’ll get back with you.

Menage a quattro for me…It’s my fantasy…

Fry from Futurama and Captain Nemo are good ones…

The main character (Ash?) from the Pokémon series has a pretty sweet life. He gets to randomly leave home at a ridiculously young age, and spend his life capturing, fighting and socialising with semi-intelligent animals.

Behemoth from Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. A vodka swilling jester who chooses to spend most of his time as a giant anthropomorphic cat? Cool…

A Daughter of the Clayr, from Sabriel and Lirael. I get to live in the Old Kingdom and fly Paperwings without having to face all the demented zombies and necromancers. I think I’d like to be a First Assistant Librarian. It also means I get to do bibliomancy.

Elizabeth Bennet is tempting, but I’d have to put up with her Mom. That would suck. And her bloody sister, Lydia.

Hard choice.
My first instinct is Kip from Heinlein’s “Have Space Suit, Will Travel.” He’s a whiz at math, languages, science, hell…almost everything, yet is too humble to realize it. His dad was once an incredibly powerful person in the government and after saving the world, he has many Big Players in his corner, plus he got to travel to another galaxy in the bargain.