Which Christmas lights will blink just so?

Broken ones.

The ones that got peed on last Christmas.

Really, are you talking about the ones that blink on and off, or the ones that have a “chasing” blink pattern?

What happened to the OP???

Okay, I don’t know WHAT happened to the OP. But here is something like it… I want some lights, but I need this certain kind.

I want the kind that are bigger (C-7s, I think they are called). But I want the kind where each of the individual bulbs will blink independent of the others – I hate those kind that the whole string blinks all off, all on, and the chasing lights are even worse. Do you all know what I mean?

I’ve seen the bigger lights that blink this good way occasionally, but have no idea where to start. I looked at Hobby Lobby, but all I saw were just the normal large bulbs with no blinking mentioned. I guess I am looking for a brand name or some clues.

It would be nice to have a tree with the big bulbs on it, and then have one or two strings of lights that blink a little but not all at once. So there is some movement in the light, but not in a Las Vegas strip kind of way.

I’m trying to find out where to look before I go out to shop, since I am recovering from the flu and my shopping (and money with which to do so) is really limited at this point.

That may also mean I am not catching all my typing errors, even though I feel like I have deleted more letters than I’ve typed.

Anyway, please let me know if you can help me find some of these lights.

Thanks, Bethany