Which Forumn?

Where should I post a new thread concerning the morality of the credit card campaigns at colleges? GD? IMHO? MPSIMS? Pit? I’m not sure.

DaLovin’ Dj

I would have to say either IMHO or the Pit, depending on how Humble your opinion is.

I would say the Pit. Based entirely on my opinion of the credit card vultures I’ve had experience with.

Depends on what the OP is, DJ. Is it:

–What do you think of those credit card campaigns at colleges? Then it’s IMHO.
–What do you think of those fucking credit card campaigns at colleges? Then it’s the Pit.

–Should credit card companies be allowed to sign up naive and impecunious college students? Then it’s GD.
–Should those fucking credit card companies be allowed to sign up naive and impecunious college students? Then it’s the Pit.

–I had a bad personal experience with credit cards at college. That’s MPSIMS.
–I had a bad personal experience with fucking credit card companies at college. That’s the Pit.

It’s the level of vitriol that signifies, not the topic per se.