Which giant tech company is building a huge office complex in north San Jose?

A big “Fortune 500” tech company is approved to go ahead with a two million square foot office complex in north San Jose, and apparently nobody knows who it will be. It’s going to be MASSIVE. San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed knows, but he’s not saying.

Here’s the story.

Silicon Valley already has Facebook, Google, Apple, Oracle, E-bay and Og knows who-all headquartered here. Which mega-tech company, not already present, wants to establish their presence here as well? Anybody hear any rumors?

Most likely Facebook. The size is about double Facebook’s current campus – it makes sense for a company like Facebook to plan on growth. Remember, the campus probably will be completed in phases over some years.

Facebook is also at the stage where they would want to design and build a campus.

AltaVista. They’ve been hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce.


Maybe the guy who just sold WhatsApp to Facebook for $16 billion is renting the space for his comic book collection.

I doubt it, since I’ve read that they have land across the street from their current campus in Menlo Park. There is plenty of room there still.

I drive through north San Jose to work every day, and it is already getting crazy, with the new apartments on Zanker really adding to the load, and lots more coming on line soon on Tasman.

The land upon which sits the old Bay 101 club is included as part of the deal, so they’ll be leveling the old casino.

I work in the commercial real estate department of a law firm in San Jose, and there is excited speculation here. Some think that Microsoft is wanting to shoulder in and establish a greater local presence than their smallish offices in Sunnyvale; others think that perhaps Google wants to consolidate in one big campus rather than having multiple buildings scattered across the area.

Apple has already broken ground on their huge new “spaceship” building in Cupertino, so that leaves them out.

Yeah, it sucks that this will probably exacerbate our wretched traffic situation. However, more jobs mean more traffic, and it’ll take awhile for me to forget that 2008/2009 recession.

Does anyone have a list of tech F-500 companies that don’t already have a campus in San Jose?

Well this is cool.

I worked in a small building complex near N First and Trimble years ago. The traffic THEN was an atrocity. I think it is more of the city’s diabolical plan to force people to ride the light rail - isn’t there a stop right near this site on N First?

Yes. the Worlds Worst Transit System ™.:frowning:

I turned up the telephone Central Office on Junction Avenue when there were still burrowing owls in the field next door. Now I work right off of 237, and yeah, the area has changed quite a bit.

Ugh. To each his own, but I think that’s awful.

Fer sure. Forty years ago, there was so much more open space. Milpitas was just a rural crossroads. The Great America amusement park was just being built, and all around that area was mostly open space (and [del]one[/del] two big city dump pits surrounded by seagulls). There used to be a drag strip right next to the freeway in Fremont (known as State Route 17 in those days), and right behind that was Sky Sailing glider port, where I took lessons. It was all surrounded by cow pastures. One day when my instructor began to teach me about simulated rope breaks, we landed in one. Perhaps you saw that on-line photo essay somewhere a few days ago, with lots of pictures of those multi-colored salt evaporator ponds at the edge of the bay in that area. (Older photo essay article, but similar.) We used to fly gliders over those.

Now it’s all tilt-up shopping centers and lite-industrial campuses all around.