Which Lamp to Ripen an Avocado?

Has anyone done this, and what lamps did you use?

I want to have more controlled conditions to know when my avocados ripen.

I’ve never heard of using lamps. We always put the ones we wanted to ripen faster in paper bags. It concentrates the ethylene gas.

Put it in a bowl with some apples. Apples release ethylene, which causes other fruit to ripen.

… Or in a paper bag with them.

Don’t waste an apple, put a banana peel in the paper bag, just as effective.

A magic lamp?

“Genie, for my first wish I want these avocados perfectly ripened immediately.”

How is the apple wasted? You can still eat it after.

What a waste of a wish. You should wish for an apple. Then you can ripen the avocados and have an apple to eat at the end.

Avocados can be so frustrating. Squeeze - not yet … not yet … not yet … - ah! … too late.

I eat three or four avocados per week, and only 60% of them are really good. Around 30% of them are a little under-ripe, around 10% of the time they get over-ripe, and the remaining 60% are ripe. Still, I like avocados enough that 6 out of ten good avocados is pretty good odds.

Sorry I like my apples cool, fresh and crisp. I could couldn’t eat a 3 day old apple that has been sitting in a bag unrefrigerated.

See, I keep all my apples in a big bowl on the table. If I want to ripen an avocado or some bananas, I just put them on top of the bowl. No bags required.

Who said anything about unrefrigerated?

I just bought a couple of avocados on the edge of ripeness, and put them in the fridge. Now I’m all worried they’ll be too hard or too soft when I cut into them (sort of like Goldilock’s bed). :(:eek::smack:

Actually I’ve done fine just leaving the hard ones in a bowl near the fridge until they soften enough to clearly be ripe. I never found it necessary to make them share a bag with lesser fruit.

Refrigeration slows down the release of ethylene, so if you are using an apple to ripen your avocado, keep them out of the frig.

^^ truth in these.

But really, the best way to ensure you have perfectly ripe avocados is to leave them on the counter until they’re at the perfect ripeness, then throw them in the fridge. They’ll keep for almost a week at that perfect ripe stage once they’re in the fridge, but as others have pointed out - they don’t ripen in the fridge. So you gotta get 'em perfect before fridging.

Sigh. When I was in high school, we had more than a dozen avocado trees in the yard. Some days I really miss that. We could toss the over-ripe ones and got pretty good at judging when they were ripe.

Fun fact - they don’t start to ripen until you pick them, so we’d harvest them in small batches.