I work from home. There are many advantages to this, for instance I haven’t felt the pinch of rising gas prices. My commute is something like 5 minutes, or roughly the time it takes me to get dressed (or not) after my shower. My wife doesn’t complain about not seeing me, it’s the same with the boys. I even “open” an hour earlier that I used to, which is convenient for my East Coast customers.
But there’s a drawback, we’ll label it my best friend. For some reason the fact that I’m home and working just isn’t quite sinking in. Now he knows my workday, if only because I’ve told him several times, “No I can’t do that; we don’t close till four”. Or the way more frequent: “Working”, when he calls at 10 am to ask what I’m doing.
Now this shouldn’t be that hard of a concept. His SO is an attorney who telecommutes at least once a week. But I swear, nearly everyday he turns up at some point to “hang out”. If that isn’t annoying enough, you’d think he’d at least remember the “call before you stop by” part. Oh and I don’t mean from around the corner either, give me some warning. I just may be sitting in my underwear. (Hey it’s not like my customers can see me.)
I swear I love this guy, he’s the best friend in the world, but I can’t wait till he gets a job.