Which Piece of Technology You Wish You Could Have? The Anti-Luddite Thread

I’ll stick to one possible and two fantasy.

Possible: Internet access in my car. I’m putting in a wireless 802.11b receiver later this week, which will technically qualify, but I only plan on using that to transfer mp3s to it right outside my apartment. I want something I can use on the open road.

Fantasy: A device that helps me introduce myself to girls who would like that. Heck, even a clueful friend along to whap me upside the head and say “go talk to her.” would do. But I’d rather some sort of discreet device that would just let me know if she’d like me to go talk to her.

Failing that, a swarm of Nanites to make anything I want out of raw materials.

Things that Exist
[li]A PlayStationII[/li][li]An Xbox[/li][li]A portable DVD Player[/li][li]A new TV and a new VCR[/li][/ul]

Things that Don’t Exist
[li]A holodeck[/li][li]A lightsaber[/li][/ul]

I REALLY want an official Daisy Red Rider BB air rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time. I think that I will have to wait for Christmas though.

I want a Moller Skycar and a garage to put it in or (hey, DMC!) a Solotrek.

Hey, Shagnasty, what do you want that for? You’ll put your eye out!

I have to tell you shagnasty, I really hate your name. Not for any objective content, but because the guy that my ex girlfriend started dating after me ran a quake server called “shagnasty”, and got called that behind his back.

Everytime I see you post (not that often) I think maybe he’s joined the boards and I’ll have to deal with him again.