Which School Lunchbox Did You Have?

I coveted that lunch box – I dreamed of having little boxes for all my food that neatly fit into the big box. It’s just so organized!

Instead, I had a Nancy Drew lunch box.

Happy Days.

I remember having a metal G.I. Joe lunchbox (from the '80s cartoon series), but the one I still have sitting in a box somewhere is my '86 Transformers metal lunchbox. Unlike the one in the link, though, mine still has the thermos.

I remember having a beautiful wicker lunch box with a red and black plaid thermos inside. Later I had a metal Holly Hobbie lunch box. I also remember a bionic Woman lunch box, but I think it belonged to one of my classmates.

Double post, sorry.

Haha, I had both of those too!

The inside of an old metal lunchbox is the oddest smell in the entire world.

Peanuts by Charles Schultz

I remember having a “Land of the Giants” lunchbox. Moronic show, but I was eight.

I had a number of lunchboxes, but the one I remember is a red “101 Dalmatians” one that I used for two years.

Pee-Wee’s Playhouse! It was Rubbermaid, I think, and purple. I might have had others at different times, but that’s the one I remember best.

I had a Donny and Marie lunchbox exactly like this one when I was in the sixth grade. I can’t believe there are still any others out there!

My Disneyland lunchbox was exactly like this one.

It was a hand-me-down from my much older brother or sister who mom and dad took to DL before I was born. Some kids want to see Micky Mouse…not me, I was mad to ride a monorail and a submarine! (yes I DID finally get to go to Disneyland while I was still young enough to enjoy it all)

I had a Donny & Marie (Osmond) with matching thermos, followed by a Nancy Drew. I was very cutting-edge the next year, with a plastic Garfield lunchbox, the very first year they were made.

I was so hip. :wink:

Me, too! Thought I’d be the only one…

I had an Empire Strikes Back lunchbox, until this kid at school constantly made fun of me because of it (calling me Yoda, etc.). The only time I ever faced daily, perpetual “harrassment” (I put the term in quotes because it was fairly mild in retrospect, though aggravating and very troubling for me at the time). Long story short: my parents got involved, then the principal, and it turned into a bit of a hoo-doo.

I bag lunched it from then on.

My first lunchbox had Atom Ant on it. Then some kid stole it out of the lunchroom. I found it several weeks later in the woods, smashed with a big rock. :frowning:

After that, I had an Archies lunchbox.

I had the Tupperware lunchbox, but I think mine was Harvest Gold instead of orange.
My family also had this Fat Albert lunchbox.

I had a Brady Bunch luchbox when I was in 1st-2nd grade. I had an ecology lunch box in 6th grade. (?)

The Brady Bunch was a metal square one and the the other was plastic, (very ecological, huh?) green and shaped like the construction worker style with the ecology flag on it.

The Secret of Nimh. After I accidentally briefly switched mine with a boy (!) at school who had the same lunchbox, my mom printed out ny name with a label-maker and stuck it to it.

Nowadays I collect odd metal lunchboxes. I have Lenore, the Evil Dead, and Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

I had a Jabberjaw lunchbox.