Which state never had a senator who ran for president

McGovern was from South Dakota. Quick look on Wiki and it looks like ND may qualify.

Here’s a starter. People can fill in the blanks if they wish:

Alabama - Oscar Underwood
Alaska - Mike Gravel
Arizona - John McCain, Barry Goldwater
California - Richard Nixon, Alan Cranston, Hiram Johnson, William McAdoo
Colorado - Gary Hart
Connecticut - Christopher Dodd, Joe Lieberman, Lowell Weicker
Delaware - Joe Biden
Florida - Marco Rubio, Bob Graham, George Smathers, Claude Pepper
Georgia - Richard Russell
Hawaii - Hiram Fong
Idaho - Frank Church, William Borah
Illinois - Barack Obama, Carol Moseley Braun, Paul Simon
Indiana - Birch Bayh, Evan Bayh, Dan Quayle, Richard Lugar, Vance Hartke
Iowa - Tom Harkin
Kansas - Bob Dole, Sam Brownback, Charles Curtis
Kentucky - Rand Paul
Maine - Edmund Muskie, Margaret Chase Smith
Maryland - Joseph France
Massachusetts - John Kennedy, John Kerry, Paul Tsongas, Ted Kennedy
Michigan - Arthur Vandenberg
Minnesota - Hubert Humphrey, Eugene McCarthy
Missouri - Harry Truman, Stuart Symington, James Reed
Nebraska - Bob Kerrey, Gilbert Hitchcock
Nevada - Paul Laxalt
New Hampshire - Bob Smith
New Jersey - Bill Bradley
New Mexico
New York - Hillary Clinton, Robert Kennedy, James Wadsworth
North Carolina - John Edwards, Furnifold Simmons
North Dakota
Ohio - Warren Harding, John Glenn, Robert Taft, Atlee Pomerene
Oklahoma - Robert Owen, Fred Harris, Robert Kerr
Oregon - Charles McNary, Wayne Morse
Pennsylvania - Rick Santorum, Arlen Specter
Rhode Island - Lincoln Chafee
South Carolina - Lindsey Graham, Ernest Hollings
South Dakota - George McGovern, Larry Pressler
Tennessee - Al Gore, Fred Thompson, Howard Baker, Estes Kefauver
Texas - Lyndon Johnson, Ted Cruz, Phil Gramm, Lloyd Bentsen
Utah - Orrin Hatch
Vermont - Bernie Sanders
Virginia - Jim Webb, Carter Glass
Washington - Henry “Scoop” Jackson
West Virginia - Robert Byrd
Wisconsin - John Blaine, Robert La Follette

Montana’s Burton K Wheeler was definitely planning to run in 1940 before FDR decided to run for a third term. Even afterwards, some in the isolationist wing of the party wanted him to challenge the incumbent.

(He also ran as the Progressive Party’s vice presidential candidate in 1924.)

Pete Wilson

New Mexico - Bill Richardson in 2008

Never a US Senator AFAIK

New Mexico Senator Clinton Anderson was seen as a possible presidential candidate in 1968 but he chose not to run due to his age (he was 73 at the time). This is the closest any New Mexico Senator has come to being a presidential candidate.

Paul Laxalt (R-NV) ran in 1988.

Oops. I somehow missed that part. He was Governor.

Yep. That’s on Little Nemo’s list above.

The missing states so far are: AR, LA, MS, MT, NM, ND and WY

Well, one Mississippi Senator made it all the way to the Presidency.

Just not of this country.

When did Robert C. Byrd run for President? I would put WV back on the list.


Current Montana senator John Tester is sometimes floated as a potential Presidential candidate, but he’s never made it official.