which: ugliest word in English ?

Heh, I don’t find any of these words objectionable. In fact, I can’t think of any that I would consider ugly. I love the English language, and I need all the words in it.

Oh yeah?? How about kumquat? :smiley: That’s gotta be the one of the reigning monarchs of the ugly words.

Is it possible they said “Which is the ugliest word in the english language?” and you didn’t hear the absense of quoatation marks and the presense of a question mark? :slight_smile:

PS. I’d vote for something common, like ‘fish’. It’s a perfectly good word, but you just try using it in fifty sentances in a row, and then you just can’t believe it’s spelled like that.

Not one that bothers me that much, but it gets my sister going every time…makes her go all giddy and want to take her brain out and scrub it with bleach. The word is girth. She has always had issues with this word, and was particularly distressed when the Obstetrician kept wanting to measure hers. She said it tainted her pregnancy.

I like kumquat, k’s and q’s are good g’s are bad. Kumquat seems quite poetic to me. Almost as good a word as quincunx or quinquefoliolate.

Uh oh, girls use moist ointment for scabby pustules.

btw fish is spelled ghoti

Please see the text of the quotation I provided in my previous post. Quotations marks? Check. Lack of a question mark? Check.

It looks like Gordon Allport really did have an aversion to the word “which” (at least in student theses).

::me has brain aneurysm::

Smudge. You even make an ugly face saying it.

Scrod - It sounds like a venereal disease.


gotta go with “cunt” being the ugliest word. Not only is mean to say to someone, something about just seems violent when you say it.

Damn anti-saxon prejudice.

Or is it Anti-Angle prejudice? I can’t remember.

I think the really agressive sounding words are Saxon in origin. Scott-paid you are going to pay and become a member aren’t you? Allready I have noticed many good posts of yours.

Thanks, but I don’t know. I find it so hard to keep away from flaming whenever religion is brought up, and I am unable to see the other side of the argument, that I am afraid that I would soon be banded. Then again, I seem to contribute greatly to other discussions, judging from the number of times I get quoted. Not to mention the whole looking for work thing, and not being able to spare the money for a matinee to a movie, much less $14.95.

oh, and masticate. That word keeps this post on topic.

Very useful post chuckhung. I appreciate the reference to Allport. How in the world did you find it ?

Ylem - meaning primordial stuff out which life or whatever arose. I’ve only seen it in print.

I don’t even know how to pronounce it, whatever the pronunciation might be, it can’t be good.


To me the word sounds just like getting a severe paper cut. Gives me the willies, ugh.

In this case Google was not my friend (I believe it’s more strict on what it matches to a quoted string) but Yahoo Search came through.

I simply searched on the quoted phrase “which is the ugliest word” and the link I provided came out on top.
P.s., There’s only one “c” in my user name.

FTR I like both moist and zesty.

Okay, it’s pretty archaic. But still. Ugh.