which: ugliest word in English ?

Putrid is nasty in both sound and meaning.

I have absolutely no trouble with the word which, or *witch * for that matter (I think *witch hazel * is fun to say). If we were to do without it, *that * might work okay.

Now, my nomination for the ugliest word. I don’t even want to type it. I feel nauseated just thinking about it.


Just horrible! It sounds like a combination of flu and poo :eek:

I have read somewhere that the popular choice is cacophony, but mine would have to be catarrh.


And it even tastes bad.


Aaargh, 45 minutes later, and I still just can’t get that word out of my head. It’s so gross. It’s another version of shomit.

Oh, so and so is indisposed right now. He’s plooping. Ughhh. It even sounds like splashing! Ploop ploop ploop. Ploop-erfect. Gross.

Fecund. I both love and hate that word.

“Girl” is an incredibly ugly word.





Better one: pustule

Scabiosa or for you Brits, scabious. Who in the world came up with such an ugly name for such a pretty flower?

Scab, in fact, is just plain ugly too.

And speaking of pretty things with ugly names, I also nominate crepuscular. Thats those rays of light and shadow you sometimes see when the sun is setting. By the way, the ones you see opposite of where the sun is setting are anticrepuscular rays.

By the way, which is a perfectly acceptable word to me.



Its just UGLY and a stupid word to spell, not a single “Y” in it anywhere.



In his book Culture Made Stupid, Tom Weller has a list of he Eight worst words in English. I can’t remember them all, but I have to agree that they’d fall on my list:



Yeah, this is the one I was going to nominate. In addition to it’s offensiveness, it is just a plain damn ugly word.