Which US presidents were killers?

How does it make no sense?

In negotiations, an Ambassador has the legal authority to act on behalf of his Government?

That’s the way it USED to be, Bosda. Now they don’t, really. With modern communications Ambassadors tend to be more mouthpieces for their respective heads of state than true ‘ministers plenipotentiary’.

I give you this logic: Suppose the ambassador from the sovereign nation of Japan to the United States suddenly said 'Man, we’ve been screwing those Yanks for years. I think I’ll help." and then he offers a treaty to the President giving the island of Honshu to the USA as a ‘protectorate’ or somesuch.

Would that treaty have force of law? No. All that would happen is that the ambassador would be recalled and spanked.

Again, nowadays they’re just mouthpieces. Diplomatic immunity does exist, but even that can be limited by circumstance. I seem to recall an up and comer in the Georgian embassy in DC who killed a guy while driving drunk. I don’t recall the outcome but I know it was petitioned that DC get to try and punish him.

Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor, your comments are out of line for GQ. Do not repeat this. You have been warned.

Alex-NC, this is GQ. Keep your posts factual. If you wish to state your opinions or defend your political leanings, please do so in other forums.

General Questions Moderator

That high school boyfriend’s name… Lee Harvey Oswald (the real one, not the lookalike impostor planted by the CIA).

Re: my comments on Clinton- I was being facetious about killing more people than Stalin (which I thought would be obvious since that would mean he killed 1 in every 7 Americans at least), but he has been accused of ordering hits by ultra-right opponents who are I am almost certain prophesying rectally. (Among other things, why make it look like a suicide when it would have been just as easy and more natural to give Vince Foster a fatal heart attack.)

As for “First Ladies Who Kill”, there is a theory that Florence Harding killed her philandering husband Warren, but you can google around for info on that one (terms: Florence Warren Harding poisoned “Jess Smith”).