Which versions of the Vinland Sagas mention Skraelings?

I’m reading a 1997 paperback of “The Sagas of Iceland”. I was expecting to see the word Skraeling in the text. Instead I see the repeated word ‘natives’. Which translations use the terrm Skraeling? Has the term ‘Skraeling’ been generally dropped from modern translations?

Google Books offers full-text search:


So you might get some ideas searching there [search titles for the word Skraeling].

Likewise there are probably discussions which can be found in Google Scholar about this subject:


If you are a Reddit user I would ask in the Norse sub-reddit which is a subreddit for academic discussion of Norse and Viking history, mythology, language, art and culture.


Thanks PastTense.

I learned about Skraelings in a university history course. I think that the only other reference to Skraelings might have been on an APTN (a Canadian TV station (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) history documentary show called “Nations at War”.

Thanks Velomont. I keep reading that the term Skraeling appears in the Vinland sagas. It’s certainly not in my Penguin edition. I’d like to know which translations into any language have kept the term Skraeling. I have yet to come across it in a saga in English. I haven’t looked at the original Norse text of the Vinland sagas.

You’re welcome. Though I took some history courses, I was getting an English degree and I had a History of the English Language course and an Old and Middle English course, both of which included some Norse writings. I honestly don’t recall any mention of Skraelings there.