To put his car in orbit?
Is there any world body that regulates what can and cannot be put in space.
To put his car in orbit?
Is there any world body that regulates what can and cannot be put in space.
Unless there’s a nuclear weapon in the frunk, which would be prohibited by the Outer Space Treaty, he’s in the clear.
He was supposed to ask me first, but I’m okay with it.
Does the Videographers Union have a say on who videos the fake launch … I think we all learn an important lesson during the Apollo missions about just giving the equipment to military personnel …
On a slightly less serious note … will Musk have to re-register that car after thirty days? … most jurisdictions won’t allow for California license plates for any longer … I’m sure liability insurance is cheap but what about comprehensive/collision coverage … on the other paw, at 50¢ a mile he’s getting one HELL of a tax break … it’s like he’s EARNING $6,000 per hour …
For the US, the contents of any payload, even dummy ones, have to be approved by the FAA. Musk got approval from them shortly before the launch.
There doesn’t seem to be any other regulatory body for this type of “spacecraft”.
(You want a telecom sat slot in geostationary orbit, for example, you need approval.)