Maybe its just a personal observation, but I’ve noticed the cushier the job, the more people there whine about petty things. The first couple of jobs I had were pretty crappy. Among common issues:
-“We don’t do overtime here” which translates to we will find convoluted ways to circumvent labor laws and screw you out of overtime that you may end up working anyway.
-“Customer is always right” type workplaces that are subject to abuse by customers (quite common in retail, obviously)
-Low pay, nonexistant benefits, other stuff
In these types of jobs few people complained that loudly. If they did, generally it was because it was their fist job and not used to actually WORKING (my favorite being at one PT job where several coworkers whined that a 4-hour shift was “too long” to work in one stretch :rolleyes: ) however besides these kinds of crybabies (mainly doing it out of lack of experience and not so much whininess) people put up with a lot of crap.
Right now I work for a job where I get paid very handsomely for what I do. Because I am paid hourly I can easily make more money than my salaried supervisors. Overtime is plentiful and if I wanted to work 365+ days straight I could (and pull down over a hundred grand…driving a bus ) Conversely I could also work a flat 40 hrs/week and make the most out of all my vacation days and sick time if I wish. Benefits are great, if I get in trouble (ranging from totall innocent to ‘hand caught in the cookie jar’ guilty) I have the protection of my peers/union. Personally, its the best job I’ve ever had, and an AWESOME job in these economic times.
And yet I work with some of the biggest whiners ever! What do they whine about? Petty stuff- like "the bathroom at the transit station is 100 feet from the bus parking area. Thats TOO FAR :o " and “ITS NOT FAIR they don’t give us buses that have cupholders to hold our coffee” :dubious:
Perhaps because its a union job, a type of jobs which tends to encourage not innovation, compassion, or pragmatism and tends to breed self-entitlement and sloth and since its the first union job I ever worked maybe its just a culture shock to me.
Of course its rubbing off on me since I’m whining about people whining about stuff but I guess I do get a little irritated about it at times since it seems like the newer people (who are more likely to be nice/accomodating to passengers, realistic about what the union can/cant do and try to actually enjoy their jobs) are going to be those let go if there are layoffs while the dinosaurs who whine that the seatbelts chafe their 60-inch waists will continue to stay and whine further.