White people dying out? Gotta be false!

**Where are these white muslims? **

Turkey and Algeria are European countries and they are Muslim.

And were you asleep during the whole conflict in Yugoslavia between the Serbs/Bosnians/Croats/Muslims etc?

And just to be silly, in Malcolm X’s autobiography, he described white Muslims during his trip to Mecca. White people. as in blond-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned people.

And some people would classify Osama Bin Laden and Arabs in general as “white”. But I’m guessing you don’t think these people don’t belong in that category.

Please tell me you meant to say “Albania”.

As for Turkey, well, that’s probably a GD in itself.

Oops. That’s what I meant. Not Algeria.

Garibaldi, I’m a white, Christian immigrant to the US. I spent several years living in a state where the majority of the population is non-white (a quick “Howzit?” to any Hawaiian dopers looking in!), and found it as civilized as anywhere I’ve lived. One hundred years ago, there were some people who believed the continuing influx of Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and other countries would be the downfall of this country and “replace the host culture” of this country, to paraphrase your original post. Given how easy it is to get a good cup of Wedding Soup or good pierogies in my country, one could even argue that this is true. Unlike Mr. Buchanan, I have a hard time being worried about the decline of the white majority in this country. If anything, I’d argue that this is America’s strength.

By the way, I happen to be friends with a white female convert to Islam, and the country I emigrated from is England.


They live in places such as Morocco, Egyptia, Lebanon, Palestine, Irak, Saudi Arabia…
“Arabs” are usually considered caucasians. Perhaps they aren’t as white as you would want them to be, but they’re hardly Negroids or Mongoloids. People from Sicilia, for instance, aren’t very white, either…What’s your definition of “white”, exactly? Scandinavian type?

(And yes, I know that “race” has no actual meaning, etc…)


Was your paper obliquely referring to Pat Buchanan’s book the “Death of the West” ? I asked a similar question to yours on the Old Board (the bbs one).

Here is a link from Drudge trying to alarm you

Here is a rational critique of it (my thread also had some good answers*):

Basically simplifying: if you are freaked out by the idea that woman in the West & Japan are working instead of having kids, … that there are now more Muslims than RCatholics for the first time in History … and that there will almost certainly be less “white” people as a % of world population 50-75 years from now … then it is time to panic.

If you are not worried about that stuff, no sweat

*CONS like no one knew Aids 15 yrs ago, birthrates will likely fall in Mexico and 3rd world
PROS like we already know about 75% of what the world will look like in 30 years, based on folks alive today and its not THAT hard to figure 50-75 yrs

I thought the Catholic Church have mostly Hispanic people than any other group. One cannot tell by the hierarchy though.

Considering the early Christians were NOT “White” Europeans, who cares?

Guinastasia, we could drag Garibaldi down to the Strip District on a Saturday morning and show him just how much immigrants have debased the host culture. :slight_smile:

Note to the drooling millions, the Strip District is a part of town noted for good ethnic food and fresh produce. Sorry.


Who cares period? What is so disasterous. i really dont get it, unless you’re a member of the Ku Klux Klan it doesnt matter one jot.

Excuse me? Racist? Just because I asked this question?

How predictable.

Moderator’s Note: Garibaldi, direct personal insults to other posters (e.g., calling someone an “idiot”) are out of line in this forum. Don’t do that again.

[li]You presume that white people will be abused[/li][li]You presume it will be done by non-whites[/li][li]you disagreed with the poster. (or at least in his eyes you seemed to)[/li][li]You did not attempt to debase whites or empathise with other ethnic groups.[/li][/list=1]

Therefore you are as racist as they come. (hint) maybe if you was going to make a post about a race next time you can say something regarding the indignities done to other races by the white man then you wouldnt be called a racist. You know like maybe ask if they think Africa will be swamped by white imigrants. You racist freak :slight_smile:

I didn’t say white people would be abused, the article in the daily mail did. Son therefore they are racist. Along with pat.

What about saen calling me a racist freak?

Moderator’s Note: Saen, “racist freak” is also against the rules. Make your point without the direct personal insults–all of you.

Ack. i was being sarcastic. Hoped it was evident, but I do apologize if anyone takes offense.

What about Lamia calling him a racist?

And Garabaldi. You think I was being serious in stating that if you said white people were being abused you are a racist? I was kinda on your side the hombre. get it?


Please elaborate on your response “How predictable.” “Predictable” is not something that has been applied to me very often, and I’d like to know exactly what you mean by it. I gave counter-evidence to your and Mr. Buchanan’s assertions. I would like to hear more of a response.