"Whites don't kill whites..." Shooting at Kentucky Kroger supermarket

I’m simply suggesting that not everyone has “a much stronger desire to get high or drunk than they do to own a firearm”. I don’t see a problem there and I’m not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.

According to this page, in 2016 the overall homicide rate in Australia was .94 per 100,000.* Pre-NFA, in 1995, the homicide rate in Australia was 1.80, so a drop of just under half. I’d say that’s pretty indicative.
I will note, in the same period on that site, the US homicide rate also dropped, but to a lesser extent, by about a third (8.11 to 5.35).

So we could abolish the RKBA and reduce homicides by 48% or not abolish the RKBA and reduce homicides by 33%? Yeah, I think I’ll go with the second option.

Percentage of homicides by cause of death in Australia - 13% by firearms. (2013-2014)
Cause of death in American homicides - 73% by firearms. (2015)
Note from the second site: the 15% difference that you dismiss is 2668.95 deaths in 2015.

You suggested that [some] people have a higher desire to own a gun than [some] of those who want a drink or to get stoned.

And you still don’t see a problem here?

I’ll kindly suggest that gun numbers and gun policy might be a hijack and perhaps ought to be moved to another thread.

Rightee-O. Goodness knows there’s no shortage of other threads! :smiley:

No, I don’t, and you are (for the third time) mis-stating what I said. I didn’t say anything about “those who want a drink or to get stoned”. You made up that bit. asahi and I were talking about “people” and “everyone” (or, well, not everyone).

Can’t believe he was allowed bail.

I guess this shooter must not have a basic understanding of things as most people commit crimes against their own race. Proximity is the biggest factor really. This reminds me of the situation with Richard Spencer a bit. He does not care for people of other races and now he is abusing his wife. I guess that hatred has to be focused on something.

Although it has, reliably, in numerous countries.

Lots of people have very little desire to drink alcohol or get stoned.

I know, I know, hard to believe. But I promise we exist. And we hate it when people assume we don’t.

Do I have a desire to own a gun? No, but I do own two items which require licenses to operate, being considered deadly by my government: a car and a bow.

Oh really? Canada is free of gun violence now? Or the UK? Or Australia?

Which “numerous countries” were you referring to?

Dude, he’s white. Remember when Las Vegas terrorist and Trump supporter Stepen Paddock killed 58 and wounded 851 others? What did our very own president say about this fine white republican? He had problems! I don’t know about you, but I was deeply moved by the sympathy and kinship Trump displayed towards that homicidal maniac. He’s been harsher towards NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. Those motherfuckers are sons of bitches. I’ve no doubt the same diseased mind that explains away white murderers so callously would have found empathy for Timothy McVeigh too.

Mod Hat On

Take the general gun control debate to another thread.

America is nothing if not racist. To ask America to give up racism is like asking George Best (or Mickey Mantle) to give up alcohol.

This is the first high-profile shooting that has hit really close to home for me. When I read that it took place at a Kroger in Jeffersontown, I started to wonder if it was the Kroger that my mother and sister regularly shop at. Now, my mom can’t drive at the moment because she injured her wrist, and it seemed far-fetched in general that I wouldn’t have been contacted in the nearly half a day since the shooting occurred if a family member had indeed been one of the victims, so I felt sort of OK. But what if my sister happened to be picking something up for my mom? What it no one had called because they were too distraught? I wasn’t completely calm until I ascertained that, no, it was a different Kroger.

Ummmm. Because a well-prepared home defender needs a gun in every room of his house, plus a howitzer on the front lawn for when Soros’ mob shows up?
Ummmm. Because Stephen Paddock, with a little more practice, could have killed as many with just 20 guns as he killed with his 24 guns?
Ummmm. Because when Pappie Billie Bob gives each teenager who lives in his household a gun for their 13th birthday — Billie Joe, Jimmie Bob, Jeffie Beau and even Mollie Mae — they hain’t gonna shoot them guns at nobody what don’t need killing anyhow?
How many guesses do I get?

Facts? Facts? :confused: You bring facts to a gunfight? Y’all hain’t from around here, are ya?

Same here. My dad heard about it before I did and called me to see if it was the one where my sister works or the one by my house.