Whither the Hill Valley Preservation Society?

Back in the early 2000s there was an Atlanta-based band called The Hill Valley Preservation Society that did rock covers of 1980s television and video game tunes. They recorded and released their own CDs, and also maintained a website at http://www.hvps.org/ where you could download some of their tracks for free, including their entire 2003 EP Erased from Existence. The band seems to have been dissolved by 2006, because (according to the Wayback Machine) their website disappeared some time between 2005 and 2006.

I downloaded all the free tracks from the site back when it was live, and really love them (as do some other Dopers, I gather). I regret not having bought any of their CDs back when they were available.

Does anyone here know where I can purchase new or used copies of the CDs, or digital versions in FLAC/Vorbis/MP3? I’ve just spent an hour searching the web but come up empty. Amazon and eBay don’t seem to have any. There are a few shady-looking digital music sites that list some tracks for purchase and/or free download, but clicking through results in nothing. The only real examples I found were a single free track at The Internet Archive, plus a YouTube account (that probably doesn’t belong to the band) containing nine amateur videos of the band performing live, plus three “videos” of studio tracks that had been previously made available for download on the band’s website.

Ah, just found an ArtistTrove fan page that gives some further details on the band and has about sixty videos, mostly of live performances. Apparently the band was formed by Richard Barons, Jason Chadwell, Cathy Coker Rumfelt, Scott Hall, Wes Rumfelt, Jason Smith, and Guy Wyatt, and was active from 2002 to 2004. Still no sign of any CDs.

They were really big in an alternate future.

Lots of stuff on their Facebook page. 30+ videos/songs plus some pictures.