Who all is in your Doper Gang? What's its name?

Shhhhh! I’m under cover.

Crap! :smack:

Finally! Somebody claims me. Thanks, dude.

I see how it is. My Lions and me snubbed again.

I’m guessing it’s not a Grammar Nazi Gang. :smiley:

I belong to a loosely-associated bunch of Armchair Psychologists - always ready to lend a sympathetic ear, mis-diagnose your problem, and give you advice worth what you’re paying for it. Our gang name is I Can Clearly See Your Nuts.

Who the hell is this “Cervaise” dude, lev?

Just yourself; here´s a rope, make good use of it. Don´t worry, you won´t be missed. :wink:

Most newbs pick someone who has dissed them.

:eek: How did you know!?!?

Half the time I don’t post because you’ve already said what I would say, or at least, when I type out what I’d say, it’s a pale imitation of your post.

Pshaw. I still watch your progress, fledgeling.


Any aging hippie (now middle management living in babylon) still mourning Jerrys death,sometimes consuming ilicit herbs kinda gangs here??..if not I will joint the loosely formed Mr BusGuy gang of rouge misfits…if they will have me.

hey August…jerry sang your story in Wharf Rat


I’d be a rouge misfit, but I look terrible in red.

Day-um … did I forget to compliment you in the picture thread or something? :eek:

Well, I’ve been here for 2 years – rut-roh, does that mean I should be careful about dissing any newbs?? :wink:

Maybe you and I can start a club called “What She Said.” :smiley:

Bah. In the 28 years since I left school, nothing’s changed.

::slouches out of thread::

I’ll man the accordian, sis! :wink:

You could always join the MMP’ers. It’s not like we, you know, discriminate.

Relax, I was just kidding. :slight_smile:

I figured as much from the " :wink: " in your post. I was just funnin’ back, but I guess it fell flat … maybe I should go off myself. :smiley:
Except I don’t know what kind of gang I could be in then… :frowning: :wink:

That wasn’t me, it was Hal. His little button eyes get stuck between the keys and he doesn’t see too well sometimes.

…er, you gonna let Ale talk to you like that? I’m just sayin’.

Missy, tsfr, come on, we’ll form ranks, and start our reign of terror.

I like Missy’s idea for a name, so we are SSG or Somethin’

You all will now know fear.

Feel it yet?

No, that was gas…

Well…soon. There will be fear.

Dude, I don’t have to run faster than all ya’ll.
I just have to run faster than NoClue.