Who came up with the term "Sheeple"?

Just as the title says.


Interesting. Somewhat surprised it goes that far back, but, then again, the concept of people being sheep and going with the herd doesn’t necessarily sounds like a unique idea, and combining the two words into one, isn’t that much a clever stretch.

Still, it functions as a wonderful shibboleth marking someone I have no desire to engage in any debate with.

I’m also surprised it goes back that far. However, the word was clearly coined to show disdain or contempt for those with whom one disagrees. In any case, no one is completely immune to peer pressure. I’ve been called one of the “sheeple” a number of times for disagreeing with conspiracy theorists, Holocaust deniers and the like. It’s why I don’t use the term and tend to tune out people who do.

As usual, XKCD

Thank you for that link. I need every laugh I can get. :smiley:

I just showed a high school class Chaplin’s Modern Times from 1936; it opens with a shot of a herd of white sheep moving along (with a lone black sheep – representing Chaplin, I assume), then cuts to a shot of workers streaming into a factory. One of my students commented: "Oh, they’re sheeple."