Who counts as a "Southerner"?

You wish. (Plenty of “Yankee” states never voted for Bush.)

If Bush ever got a Reagan '84 or Nixon '72 type blowout you might have a bit more of a point. But no. You can keep trying to pretend like Mississippi can just blend into the rest of the country on these things, but the facts are against you.

Speaking of blowouts, LBJ racked up a huge blowout win nationally against Goldwater, but in Mississippi he got 12 percent of the vote. Johnson also lost Georgia, South Carolina, and Louisiana, but he at least got over 40% in each state. Mississippi is clearly a special, special place, even within the Deep South.

Then there’s Trent Lott, who had to resign his Majority Leader position because he harkened fondly back to segregation; but Mississippians kept voting him back in.

In Virginia, a “Macaca” crack was enough to torpedo a rising star’s career. In Mississippi, Haley Barbour can say all kinds of fucked up racist shitand keep getting reelected.