Who came up with the design for the Winter Olympic medals? It looks like something a third grader would make in arts class out of a CD, gold foil and ribbon.
… you mean they’re not CD’s?
I would say the real answer is that they wanted something distinctive and figured the donut would work.
Metal shortage!
It sure makes it easier to hook the ribbon bit on, doesn’t it?
Unlike many previous medal designs, these are at least really shiny.
Please tell me I’m not the only person who misread that and wondered, “Huh, why would they make them with holes in the middle like that?”
Just glad to hear it’s not only me.
First cerimony I saw: “Look honey, a better use for an AOL disk than microwave oven hijinx”
I’m sorry, you’re all suffering from the same misconception: they are not CD’s. It’s obvious to the most casual observer* that they are GIANT washers.
*Any engineer could have told you that.
Sinjin, ducks and covers in case pizzabrat comes in to take a peek.
Just in case any athlete swallows one perpendicular to their throat they can still breathe.
(This was the reason a couple American friends and I were given by Danes several years back as to why Danish coins had the holes in the middle, only applied to children not athletes… we bought it at first too…)
You are not only not the only one, a few days ago a friend earnestly tried to convince me that pizzas-with-holes were a beloved local variation in Torino, source of much regional pride, and that’s why the medals have holes in them…
I believe we may have been witness to the birth of a new factoid. A little more plot and a few coats of paint, and it might even become an urban legend.