Who do you have it in for?

At this point it would be easier to list the people I like.

My current ire is toward Michael Jackson fans. GET A LIFE YOU LOSERS!

The Angel of Death. Once I knock him off, I get to take his job, and then the real list comes into play.

Nope…been adding to the list since the 70’s. Let’s see…let’s add:

The Hager Twins

The Olsen Twins (Something about that waif-heroin chic-clinging to each other incesty stuff gives me the creeps.)

Pat Robertson

Bobby Flay

Oh, the list goes on and on!

Sheryl Crow. To me, her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. That inane song with Kid Rock is just icing on the cake. My hatred for her is so deep that I don’t know if I can watch US coverage of the Tour de France this year, lest I hear and see all about her pilates routines and the deep desire of her and Lancey to make little offspring. Ewww.

Well I though LIT was alright.

Specifically, in a 12 page essay, explain to me why really living in Asia is nothing like Lost in Translation.

Well, the lead singer who wears a hat because he’s been bald since about the age of 12 is Mike Love. He’s the only one left in the Beach Boys. But he’s not the runty one–that’s Al Jardine, the one who tried to get away with touring as “Beach Boys Family & Friends” before he got “Shut Down” by Mr. Love.

Just a list, because going into any detail would just piss me off.

Anne Coulter
Michael Moore
Pat Robertson
Dennis Miller
Rick Santorum
George W. Bush
Just about any of the hosts of G4:TechTV, in particular the two smarmy little shits who host “Electric Playground” or whatever they’re calling it these days

Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter are the worst offenders. I could list more, but you get the idea just from these.
Oh, and students of mine who insist on plagiarizing by stealing entire essays off the Internet despite my repeated warnings (given during the first week of classes) about how not to do it, how I use the same Internet, and what manner of hell will rain down upon them if they do.

Most of the people I went to high school with.

Almost every liberal I have ever met in any context.

My ex-wife.

(these are not necessarily in order)

Jesus. And in three days I get to do it all over again.

Insert the usual “Are you my long lost twin?” comment here. I could have written the above.

Various species of self-important wankers, liars, back-stabbers, way-too-up-themselves-for-their-own-good arseholes. Generally those who’ve pretended to be friendly towards me, but in truth have either used me as a stepping stone, or something to shit upon from on high.

Worst thing is, they get away with it. Always. I dislike even thinking about them, 'cause they ain’t worth the energy of the seethe. Bastards.

Bozo the tiny hat wearing, “I’m so pious and humble because I wear black clothes”, fake ass, untalented, poser cocksucker who fronts the band U-2 (you know the ones that whore themselves out for I-pod and Target). This is the same asswipe who gets behind all kinds of social programs (if there are reporters there). If I ever run into him (or that alledged guitar player of his, The Fudge) in a dark alley somebody is going to die!

Unclviny (breathe!, everything will be allright, just breathe)

AAAAgggh, I agree 150 bazillion percent. The woman is this bland, depressed and/or stoned looking person. She has two expressions the “classy, refined” mini-smile, and the slight non-expression which is what, for her, stands in for; sadness, anger, shock, fear, hurt and so on.

She’s like a bland blond stick figure. BLECH.

People who think that they are better than anyone else and that any rules, whatever those rules or policies may be, don’t apply to them.

I hate anyone who is currently appearing on the FOX News Channel. I like my news without a side of shrill and hysterical and obvious right wing bias. And in my breakroom at my job IT IS ALWAYS ON.

In no particular order:

Tim McCarver: He is to baseball what Billy Packer is to college hoops: a clueless, inane, completely worthless piece of shit.
Alice (aka Alex) Rodriquez: You’re not a Yankee. And that was a bush league play, jerk.
Barry Bonds: I don’t care how many homeruns you hit. Aaron is the homerun king. You, on the other hand, are a steroid pumped asshole who should be tossed from the game and your name stricken from the record books.
Mark McGwire: See Barry Bonds.
Sammy Sosa: See Barry Bonds.
Bud Selig: There are no words in the English language for me to express my contempt for you.
Janeane Garafolo: moron.
John McEnroe: idiot.
That fat fuck Dick Durbin–he’s a congressman from Illinois who spends his life posturing for the C-Span camera.
Patrick Leahy: arrogant douchebag.
Nancy Pelosi: Please stop the Botox. You’re scaring the children.
Pat Buchanan: you are completely insane.
Ann Coulter: you are completely insane.
Dr. Laura: go fuck yourself, you stupid twat.
Duke basketball fans: ugh.
That bitch Deb: you know who you are.
Wonkette: the ass-fucking joke stopped being funny somewhere around the 800th time you used it. Also, you’re not a blogger, you’re Matt Drudge with a lot of ass-fucking jokes. Loser.

Woody Allen–He has always creeped me out. When the whole Mia-Soon Yi shit came to light, I wasn’t even surprised.

Bill O’Reilly – bombastic lying bully
Dennis Miller – snide smartass who was never funny to begin sith
Ann Coulter – Totally whacko.
Jim Rhome – arrogant, obnoxious sportscaster who talks and acts like he is some sort of god, never has anything decent to say about anyone
Rush Limbaugh – shrill liar who also swears to what other liars say.
Michael Moore – we have enough problems without him (with friends like this … )
Alan Keyes – no words are harsh enough.
Bin Laden – given a chance, I’d shoot him myself.

Howard Dean – back when he was our governor, he did a decent job, for a Democrat. He was fiscally moderate, socially somewhat less so, but not way the hell out there, either. He was always a bit smarmy, but what politician isn’t?

Then he ran for President, basically spent his last two years in office out of state, and turned into a freakin’ lunatic.

Jay Leno. I especially hate his chin.

George Bush. Both of ‘em. Who told GWB that blue neckties go with black suits? I must focus on such minutia, because my head will explode if I even think about his politics.

My youngest sister. Smarmy little bitch.

Bob & Tom, these two radio guys in Indianapolis. Four endless hours of their annoying laughing every damn day that I lived in Indiana. Well, every day that I worked, because everyone in every office thought they were sooooo funny.

Howard Stern. Grow up, you pathetic 12-year-old.

Carrot Top. Makes my skin crawl.

Keanu Reeves. It’s like a corpse trying to act.

Michael Chiarello, who does that horrible Easy Entertaining show on the Food Network. I had the misfortune to deal with him professionally a few years ago, and it only increased my hatred tenfold. Pompous jackass.

Woody Allen. I see he’s already been mentioned, but he’s like that creepy guy in a trenchcoat following little kids home from the school bus stop. And his movies suck.

Jim Carrey. Unreasoning loathing. Making repulsive faces does not equal acting.

This is kind of fun. I could go on for hours. These are just the people who make me want to run screaming from the room.