Who do you think is more of a wimp, Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Same to you, buddy!

This reminds me of the cartoon in this article: (Sorry, the direct link to the picture doesn’t work.)

If being wimpy is eating hamburgers and letting other people pay for them, then it’s definitely Trump.

You misspelled

Anybody that struggles to walk down a slight incline ramp cannot ever be considered tough or virile. Old and feeble, yes. Also, can you imaging be punched by such a tiny fist? If it really came to fisticuffs, Trump would be on the ground and unable to get up.

For some reason, I’m thinking he’d lean more toward Sumo.

I will not have you slander Sumo in this fashion! Unlike the CFSG, sumotori are athletes.

Sure. Yeah. Of course. Totally.

But I’d be hard pressed to predict which way this one would turn out:

(feeling incredibly grateful that DJT is NOT wearing a mawashi)

If the other two let go, the trophy crushes Trump.

Not bad photoshopping, but is there extra hand action happening?
The wrestler’s right arm - where did the corresponding hand end up?

Trump runs away when he gets asked tough questions at press conferences. Trump shouts and walks out when Speaker Pelosi asks him tough questions.

The guy cheats at golf! What in the world could be wimpier?

Trump is smiling-a hand must be stroking something to make him do that…

It really is oh-SO-much stranger than fiction:

“Specially prepared seat”?

Steel reinforcement on the bottom?

There is a third person handling it to the winner. The loser is just touching it at the same time.

That’s certainly one possibility.

I was assuming that the Japanese had to create a carefully located hole in the base of the seat to allow the President’s words to be audible when he spoke.


I tracked it down once and the furthest back I could find it was a tweet by Carl Sagan. Since the original shuffled off this mortal coil in 1996, it has to be somebody’s nym.

You mean like that:

One of them commuted 90 minutes each way every day for 5 years to come home to his children at night after his wife (and daughter) were killed in a car wreck. One of them had an affair with a porn star 4 months after his wife gave birth. I know which one isn’t a wimp.

No kidding. Raw dogging a porn star and then paying her to keep quiet is about the manliest thing a guy can do. Totally manly and not wimpy!