Who does this guy remind you of?

First thought was Walken,til I read the thread then i thought…

The first picture reminds me of DB Sweeney, and maybe a little of Paul Rudd.

Jon Lovitz.

Yeh…that’s the ticket!


ETA: In the first pic only! In the 2nd I agree he looks like Lithgow.

Reminds me ofLebron James.

I’m getting a hint of Ben Affleck off the first, younger picture. Or somebody like that, I can’t quite put my finger on it.
These lookalike threads are notoriously subjective though, I know that from other boards where they have descended into surprisingly acrimonious arguments. So what I’m saying is, if you don’t think it looks anything like Ben Affleck, be nice about it :smiley:

After running the picture through the celebrity look-a-like finder, I have come to the conclusion that he’s half James Gandolfini and half Katherine Heigl.

He’s totally Tobin Bell. AKA “Jigsaw” from the Saw series.

Being a king, he probably enjoyed brutal tortures too.

Hey Sister! :slight_smile:

I was fascinated (and grossed out) by that History Channel program about the “Black Plague” last week.

Those Flagellants? (Flagenates?)

Yikes! But I thought that came out of the Middle East?

Well, the plague DID start there too, right?

A prime example of what people will do when they get desperate.



Tim McInnerny?

Max von Sydow?

Definitely John Lithgow.

I wonder what John Lithgow looked like when he was younger. For the life of me I cannot find a single image of him in his 20s or 30s. Has he had the same balding, gray hair for his whole life?

Edward IV had too strong of a chin to look like Tobin Bell, but he does have the same kind of eyes.

There is really something Christopher Walken-like about him. More in the first picture than the second, though.

ETA - I really wish I had this shirt. (Did they have acid back then?)

Where you thinking about Brion James, Maybe?

John Schuck.

I know who it reminds me of. Helen Geake, from Time Team.

Only she’s way prettier than the King.

Argent Towers writes:

> John Lithgow is a pretty accurate comparison but I’m thinking of someone
> younger.

Here’s the youngest picture of John Lithgow I’ve been able to find:

That’s from 1984, so he would be about 39. If you can get a hold of the 1972 film Dealing: Or the Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost Bag Blues, you can see what he looks like at 27.

Stephen Fry was my first thought (mid-80’s Fry, that is).

Here’s John Lithgow in Terms of Endearment (1983) which is surely a more “real-life” look for him:
(small photo at top of page)

At the bottom of this page

you see him in a scene from The World According to Garp (1982) but he’s probably wearing a wig.

Some random pervy asshole.

That’s exactly who I thought of.