You’re thinking of STRANGLING-strangling, Shirl, like from STRANGERS ON A TRAIN and the Mummy movies.
Strangling-as-Capital-Punishment historically utilizes the garotte.
The miscreant is strapped down into a big chair, a metal collar is fastened around the throat, and the executioner stands behind him and turns a screw until he chokes.
See Irwin S. Cobb’s short story “Faith, Hope, and Charity.”
[Slight Hi-jack] The guy’s first name is the same as my middle name. In the 29 years that I’ve been on this here planet, I’ve never seen that name in print anywhere. Kinda’ weird. [/Slight Hi-jack]
Re. OP - Kill the guy. How it’s done is of little importance.
She said: “I know you and you cannot sing.”
I said: “That’s nothing - you should hear me play piano.”
I think the sentence is VERY appropriate. I sincerely hope it doesn’t get overturned. If they do go through with it, I’d like a turn of that screw myself.
OK, just to counteract all the blood-thirsty people here, I’ll chime in to say I oppose the death penalty in any case. The most basic human right is the right to life, and you don’t lose that however much of a criminal you are. (Not starting a debate, just presenting another point of view.)
How many want to bet that Amnesty International will jump on this sicko’s bandwagon to save him from such a terrible sentance being carried out?
Personally, I think this country is a little soft on crime and punishment, but that is neither here nor there.
If I had my druthers ( as it is, I’m fresh out of druthers at the moment.) this SOB would have his eyes poked out, then each body part cut off, then dropped on acid, but not enough for him to die. Then hung.
As for spelling errors. My apologies. I am quite anal about spelling, HOWEVER, being that as of right now when I am on line, I am usually breastfeeding at the same time AND therefore, typing with one hand. And no, I won’t go blind…
But I wouldn’t characterize it as “jumping on his bandwagon”, just doing our bit to help protect basic human rights. (Sorry, hit the Reply button too soon.)
It could be argued (successfully, I think), Arnold, that this . . . creature’s actions have proven him to fall outside the definition of “human”, and that, as such, he has no claim to human rights.