WHO Has SAVED Christmas? Also, who HASN'T, but SHOULD?

Wait, woah.

The Grinch doesn’t count because he caused the problem in the first place, but JACK SKELLINGTON, who kidnapped Santa Claus and usurped his role, does?

This seems like a double standard to me.

Saved Christmas:
Steve Austin (the bionic one)
The Pevensie kids
Santa Paws & the Buddies (apparently they’re doing it again this year)
The North Polar Bear and Father Christmas

The Firefly crew pre-Serenity, because any more Firefly is a good thing
The Vega Brothers save mother f’ing Christmas, with special guests Samuel L Jackson and Harvey Keitel

Well there’s this

The rest of the crew can come along, but I think Jayne and Mal would be funniest for this particular mission.

Also: Ooh, ooh! You remind me of an excellent opportunity for a WWII Jewish analogue: The Bear Jew saves Hanukkah!

**Bender **from Futurama saved Xmas.

Who I’d LIKE to see save Christmas:

Katniss Everdeen

Sure, send the boys into town for a little adventure. Just as long as I get scenes back on the ship of Book reading the Nativity story to River from the “fixed” Bible, Kaylee ambushing Simon under the mistletoe only to get a lecture on its medicinal uses, and Inara jetting off to meet a client in a Naughty Elf outfit.

I’d enjoy seeing a movie where Christmas is saved as a result of Tilda Swinton and Suzanne Vega going on a sacred vision quest together. :cool:

Mr. Spock(For extra points, in the middle of Pon Farr.)

Keyser Soze

In “Spinach Greetings”, Popeye rescued Santa after he’d been kidnapped by the Sea Hag. Site also links to lots of “Christmas Special” cartoons.

Nominate: Mr. T

Jaclyn Smith.

Manny the mammoth and his Ice Age crew saved Christmas in Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas, a special as inexplicable as the Flintstones saving Christmas.

I’m correcting his pronunciation.

He’s welcome.

I asked for both, so the Doctor is acceptable.


On further reflection perhaps I should have requested that contributors specify if a character is already in the Saved Christmas Hall of Fame, or is being nominated for the opportunity to make the attempt.

On an unrelated note: Thanks very much, twickster! :slight_smile:

Rudolph should get a special wing in the Hall of Fame for saving both Christmas and New Years Day.

The Ghostbusters are in that third hall of fame–people who saved Christmas after ruining it. Holiday ghosts should not be put in traps.

Did Buffy or Angel ever save Christmas? I can’t recall them doing so, and you’d think they would have by now…

They tried to make that, actually, but it never got green-lighted (greenlit?) because the plot was just too tangled.

Does Mr. Magoo count as having saved Christmas (at least for specific people), by dint of being Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?

Yeah, I can dig it. If only we’d had someone to save Firefly so that they could save Christmas. :frowning: