Who here likes cheezy movies?

Psycho Beach Party - but it’s intentionally cheezy.

Is that the one where apparently every scene is in close-up, as if they didn’t want you to see how cheesy the sets are?

For years, I used to say my favorite movie of all time was a cheesy John Ritter/Anne Archer film called Hero at Large. Burt Convy has third billing.

Cabin Boy
Cannibal: The Musical
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
Joe’s Apartment
Strange Brew
The Willies
…it’s like the KFC stacker bowl of film. They all get regular screen time and often much more than even my favorite non-dairy movies; cheese has really good replay value.
I’ve only heard stories of Moron Movies and More Moron Movies, but I’ve never seen them…yet!

Joe Dirt!

Is The Day After Tomorrow cheezy? I love that one, and my husband loves the one with the giant alligators, with Betty White as a dotty old lady.

Overboard. I love that flick, and I can’t resist it when it comes on.

I love this movie, too…but I had no idea it was in the “cheesy movie” category. Is that the general concensus?

I can’t resist Center Stage. Completely cheesy ballet movie, in which, if you weren’t paying attention for the first hour, don’t worry! The last 30 minutes is a ballet that completely recaps what happened in the first hour. And set to music by Jamiroquai, no less!

Already mentioned here, but Point Break is another one on my list.

I will watch pretty much anything made prior to 1935, regardless of quality.

Most movies that other people claim are so bad they’re good just seem bad to me. I’d rather spend the time and money watching something so good it’s great. But I will make an exception for Plan 9 From Outer Space. There’s just something awesome about it’s over-the-top, goofy badness, as opposed to the numbing incompetence of, say, Manos: The Hands of Fate.

[quote=“Sleeps_With_Butterflies, post:3, topic:474526”]

[li]Clueless is a favorite[/ul][/li][/QUOTE]
This isn’t so bad it’s good, it’s just good. It’s close to brilliant. It only pretends to be a dumb high school romantic comedy.

Man, I love this movie.

How the hell did I forget Howard The Duck?!

It’s a brick of cheddar deepfried in cheese-wiz. So good.

Mentioned in the MST3K thread, but perfectly at home here: "Baron del Terror" (The Brainiac) One of the best so-bad-its-good movies I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

Wow, I agree. If I had to limit my movie watching to one decade, it would be the thirties.

Similar thread that I believe also spawned the term “doog” on the boards. There are a lot of cheesy yet watchable movies from the 80s and early 90s. For some reason (maybe nostalgia for most age brackets here) that decade or so spawned many, many so-bad-they’re-good flicks. A few of my favorites:

Van Damme is practically the poster boy for doog movies. One of his worst, yet still fun to watch, is Cyborg. Universal Soldier may be one of his best as far as having the highest production values, and it’s still pretty bad. Yet fun.

Without the electronic music that screams “cheap 80s synthesizer,” Ladyhawke wouldn’t be seen as cheesy at all. I love that movie, but I have to set brain phasers to IGNORE SOUNDTRACK to watch it.

Roadhouse and Point Break. One had moments of possible greatness, mixed with terrible, terrible crap. The other had some sphincter-tightening action scenes and a nonsensical plot. Both are doogness epitomized.

I loved that when I was a kid! That was a staple after Sammy Terry went through his array of good horror films. I got it a few years ago in a cheapie DVD set & was amazed that it still held up.

(Sammy Terry, Indiana’s 1962-86 horror film TV host.)

Do we agree that if USA Network brought back Night Tracks, USA Up All Night (even if Gottfried was hosting it) or Commander USA, there’d be a reason to watch that station again?