Who is this SPAM targetting?

Another board I moderate had a spammer drop the following across various threads. The preamble was different in each but the main part was cut and paste. I’ll edit a page long text down to the highlights.

Now, is this a ham-fisted LEO attempt to snare people that pass bad money?
A flat out scam for respondents to replace good money for bad? Along the lines of …oops I sent you 10X what you wanted, keep 20% and send me the rest.
This is legit (to the extent I agree to using counterfeit money and they are as good as is said) and I can pay all my bills with undetectable forgeries?

My vote is #2.

Simpler than that. They’re not giving the stuff away; they’re selling it (obviously, for less than face value). They get their 50% or whatever, and you get caught passing counterfeit money instead of them.

Well, that’s the best-case scenario, at least. More realistic is that you send them $500 to buy $1000 worth of counterfeits, and they send you nothing. Because it’s not like you can complain to the cops about them.

That’s why you pay with a stolen credit card.