Who is your Star Wars Twin?

openness - 76 (Wicket)
conscientious - 8 (Han Solo)
extraversion - 15 (Wampas)
agreeableness - 6 (Emperor Palpatine)
neuroticism - 71 (C3PO)

I’m surprised I’m such an asshole by Star Wars fan standards

Openness-Yoda (90%)
Conscientiousness-Grand Moff Tarkin (52%)
Extroversion-“Old Ben” Kenobi (22%)
Agreeableness-Young Obi-Wan Kenobi (90%)
Neuroticism- Chewbacca (55%)

Openness: Wicket (76)
Conscientious: Mon Mothma (64)
Extraversion: Ewoks (59)
Agreeableness: Darth Vader (50)
Neuroticism: Princess Leia (9)

Star Wars psychology, huh? Gotta go get in touch with my inner Wookie?

I guess it would all end in petty squabbles, Legion Of Doom-style.

But the last one left would be so nasty, the world wouldn’t stand a chance.

Openness: 3%
Conscienciousness 2%
Extraversion 31%
Agreeableness 0%
Neuroticism 99%

I hate myself. :frowning:

No need for that, smiling bandit - you’re perfectly qualified to join the Wicked Cabal[sup]TM[/sup].

Come on in. We have pie.

We do? Woo hoo!!! Can we have real whipped cream, too? Not that canned or bucket stuff, but the fresh stuff?

After all, what’s the use of being in the Wicked Cabal if you can’t have real whipped cream?

We can have whatever we want. We’re the overlords of the universe, dammit, and that carries perks.