Who makes the most in Speaker's Fees?

My guess would be Bill Clinton. I figure he is at the top of the Spectrum. But does anyone know what it takes to get an A-List speaker for an event?

A friend recently attended a conference with Bob Dole as the key note. We were wondering what he charged.

I remember a few years back that Pat Riley was amongst the highest paid motivational speakers, so I was wondering if anyone knew if a list of the highest paid (or basically a sampling of what people charge) for this type of thing.

A quick search made me determine that most, if not all fees, are negotiable.

Here’s a site for you but you could probably google it to find what you’re looking for specifically. I charge 100 an hour if you’re interested. :cool:


It’s likely ex-President Clinton is the highest paid per speech esp. for speeches given in other countries, but I’m sure he does some freebies for causes he bleieves in as well. IIRC I think he got 150-250K for some of the speeches he gave. I think Colin Powell is/was # 2 @ 50K to 100K per speech.

Thanks Frixxx. I saw that sight, but that was just the ones from that management group I believe.

Plus, “Over Ten Thousand” is so vague! I want the dirt! :slight_smile: