Who originated the popular "because... (one word)" meme in web and article writing commentary?

In a lot of web commentary these days there is the fashion to pose a question or situation and then answer it with one word prefaced by “because” as the entire answer. Here is one example I bolded.

**Question: Why do women get madder and madder as they ponder something irritating and stupid even when there’s no point? Because shoes. No really, so, according to Redbook, men are terrified to talk to women, but it’s not their fault: Ladies be confusin’ **

Where did this particular writing artifact start?

I first heard it in the context of “because racecar.”

Thanks for cite!

I’m pretty sure that parents centuries ago orginated that one word response to their toddler’s incessant question of “Why?”.

I think you misunderstood; it’s not about the one-word response “Because.”

I recall (very vaguely) some movie where Will Smith makes one of those comments in response to either somebody else’s line or to some situation he observed, and it must have gone something like:

One of the MIB movies? Something else?

I’m pretty sure that was the first Men In Black.


That was my best guess, but I can’t locate any proof online so far. It’s odd how that one line has stuck with me because “Wow!” :smiley: