Who remembers the purple NYC footprints?

I’m remembering this from a number of years ago, I think in the '80s to early '90s. There were trails of bright purple painted footprints that went on and on, on Manhattan’s sidewalks. They seemed to have no beginning and no end, and whoever was doing it, nobody could catch him in the act. They just appeared, like something magical. I think the theory was that they were done with a machine like the one that paints dashed lines on the street.

Does anyone remember whether the the person responsible was ever caught?

The were painted by one Adam Purple, and served to lead folks to his Garden of Eden. A photo of the prints in question. More about the Garden here and here. It was bulldozed in 1986.

We should make him a wiki page. I think wiki is something he’d believe in from what I’ve read.

Any chance that Adam Purple was also our very own Grapist?

Someone had to say it… :smiley:

I remember them. Somewhere at home, I have a clipping from People Magazine which explained them.

Ultra-cool, very New York.

Are any of them still visible?

Here’s a BUMP since inquiring minds want to know…