Who rescued Rhode Island? Tennessee Tuxedo or Super Chicken?

In the 1960s, a dastardly plot was realized, and the State of Rhode Island was stolen and towed out to sea. Unfortunately for me, I cannot recall who had foiled this plot and selflessly rowed Rhode Island back.

Was it Tennessee Tuxedo and Chumley, or was it Super Chicken?

The answer is vitally important, as Mrs Magill was a meeting with her new corporate overlords from Providence tomorrow.

Google has not been my friend on this, as nearly all the hits have been for Tuxedo rentals in Tennessee and Rhode Island and a surprising number of links simply stating, “Who stole my chicken?”

That would be Super Chicken.

[quote=“Folly, post:2, topic:840037”]

That would be Super Chicken.


Appreciate the link. I started singing the theme song even before clicked.

Definitely Super Chicken. But remember it was Fred who rowed it.

Five minutes - Not too bad.

Thanks for the link to the cartoon.

And in the future when Googling use Advanced Search and/or put phrases in quotation marks. Google is useless when you just type in a bunch of words – YOU may know they are phrases or that you want each and every hit to contain all of what you put in the search blank, but Google assumes you want the maximum number of results and fetches all kinds of shit you didn’t want because somewhere out there a page with one of your search terms is linked to the page they thoughtfully included in your search results.

(they’re bad about doing that even with Advanced Search and the heavy use of quotation marks. If you really want to pare down to what you intended to search for, click “Tools” on the results page and switch from “All Results” to “Verbatim” – i.e., “yes I want you to actually do the search I asked you to do”)


He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.