Who shaves their ARM hair?!

No, really, its cooler. You don’t notice when its really hot out, after you shave your legs, they feel cooler?
Body hair is there to keep you warmer.

A) Well how many arms have you got?
B) Of that number, how many were waxed, and why? :dubious:

Ditto. Guys shouldn’t be sleek and slippery like seals. There’s nothing sexier in my opinion than a guy who’s a bit hairy and rough, with that good musky masculine smell. A little ruggedly homo sapien. I once went out with a cute guy a couple of times before finding out he shaved his legs, and I was never able to look at him quite the same way again. Killed his sex appeal something fierce.

But then, I don’t get the body hair hate. It’s just hair. We spend tons of money and time obsessing about the hair atop our heads. What’s wrong with a little on your arms? But then, I’m on of those girls who thinks facial hair on men is a turn-on, so maybe I’m just a freak.

Um, yeah. Just two. We didn’t wax the entire surface area of each arm. No edit?

Not that it wouldn’t be cool to have multiple arms.

I have hairy monkey arms. I have not shaved them, but I did trim them awhile back. I prefer the way they look. The hair on my arms is a fair red, but darker than blonde, so I don’t know why I bothered, but I liked the result.