Who thinks they are a bad lover or driver?

Yeah, I hate when my lover does that.

I drive like Dung Beetle - very cautiously. I didn’t start driving till I was 35. I don’t go very far on the highway, I don’t pass in busy traffic, etc. I’ve never had an accident exactly, but I’ve scraped some paint off a car in the Kohl’s parking lot once.

As far as sex goes, if I’m not feeling tired, lazy or self-conscious, I do okay.

If I am by myself, I am a good driver. But my skill goes down exponentially when you add someone else in the car.

The opposite hold true with my love-making skills. I imagine I masturbate just fine, I mean…I like it, so that’s what matters, right? But add a sexy lady and watch that skill go to the next plateau…the next five plateaus. Far be it from me to brag, but…well, damn it this is the kind of thing you’re alloed to brag about. All but one of my girlfriends have “come back,” as it were, for some sexxin’ after the break up. Often several times over the course of a year or two after the breakup. And there was a friend with benefits I had that wouldn’t let me leave the city she lived in that I was visiting until I “satisfied her urge.” The thing was, I know for a fact that she was also getting some sex from a guy who lived there, yet she chose to go out of her way to make sure I was the one to give it to her if I was available. And this girl was rather…experienced in all matters between the sheets, so getting an endorsement from her is like the Pope kissing your ring. :wink:

I think I’m a pretty good driver. In fact, I’ve had a couple of people tell me I’m a good driver. I’m not terribly good at parking, though. The only accidents I’ve ever had were when I was parking, but it’s been about 30 years since the last one.

As a lover, I’m not terribly interested in the activity, so I don’t think I’m all that good at it.

Driver: Have not had an accident since around 1991 or so, so I must not be too horrible. A lot of that, however, is just fundamental stuff like maintaining a safe following distance and signalling maneuvers. My worst habit is being easily distracted behind the wheel. I have several times been complimented on my smoothness in freeway traffic, however.

Lover: been complimented a few times on my smoothness there, as well, but frankly, early on I didn’t have a clue, and even though I’m now 52, I’ve never been very adept at getting to the point where I get to demonstrate my skill set. In recent years I’ve gotten a bit better, again simply by following a few fundamentals, like working out what your partner likes and doing that just as long as she wants. I actually sort of get off on knowing that I’ve really made myself useful, so that tactic works out well for both of us. It’s just getting to that point that remains the problem.

I drive too fast, but I have a great reaction time. I try not to be a jerk on the road, so I have to conciously relax and not tailgate. I’m pretty damn aware of what’s going on around me.

As for the other thing, I’ve been told I have great muscle control. :smiley: Apparently, that counts for quite a bit, but I wouldn’t say I’m fantastic, because I don’t like to give blowjobs. They hurt, and I have issues with…texture. I’m far wilder after drinking.

I think I’m a decent driver. I go the speed limit, remain calm, don’t get frustrated with other drivers, etc.

As a lover - well, I’ve been told I’ve got mad skillz, yo.

However, when it comes to giving blow jobs I really have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve even watched porn specifically to figure out how to do it - I mean, I LIKE doing it, I just never know if I’m doing it right. So I ask for tips ect. So, yah. Dunno. How DO you give a good blow job, anyway?

They HURT? Shit, I really am not doing things correctly if it’s supposed to hurt to give one… :confused: :confused:

Heh. Right. That’s the point. It isn’t supposed to hurt either party! My jaw gets sore really easy, that’s all. It’s why I avoid giving. It makes me bad and an asshole I suppose, but I just can’t bring myself to like doing it. :frowning:

A lot of people have complimented me on my driving, so I must be a good driver. I’ve had to maneuver through difficult traffic situations and in inclement situations. I’m acutely aware of my surroundings by nature so I usually know what’s going on around me. I’ve driven fast and, admittedly, aggressively at times. I am pleased to say that I’ve never caused an accident or been the victim of one in which I was the person driving. It’s been over seven years since I last received a speeding ticket or any sort of traffic citation.

As for being a good lover, well, let’s just say that if there is a polar opposite for “Casanova” or “Don Juan”, I’m it. It explains why I am 36 and still single and why my last relationship was four years ago. It ended because of my inability to please her and my lack of experience.