Who was the ABC news anchor covering the Columbia disaster?

Before Peter Jennings came on ABC today, there was a guy I had never seen before covering the shuttle breaking up over Texas. This guy was awful. I never noticed his name at the bottom of the screen, and I only heard people refer to him as “Bill”. A quick check of the ABC news website gave no answers.

Any idea who this clown was, and why he wasn’t yanked off of the air immediately? I’ve never seen such a hack job on such a high profile tragedy.

Didn’t see him, but I’m sure they were hustling Jennings out of bed, across town, through makeup and into the studio while the saturday morning emergency replacement did his best.

Since ABC doesn’t have a weekend morning news show, there might not have been anyone with on-camera experience there. It could have been a producer.

I don’t know, but the CNN guy is doing a bang-up job. I don’t know who he is, but he sounds like a scientist, and doesn’t have any problems with any subject being brought up. Anybody know who he is?

His name is Miles O’Brien, and he is the CNN Space Correspondent, and I agree, he is doing a very good job.

Since the Shuttle was scheduled to land today, O’Brien was already at the studio to do a report. O’Brien took over the job from John Holliman after he died in an auto accident.

It doesn’t appear that MSNBC or FNC have a designated “space shuttle” reporter.

Steve Bell was the ABC news guy who broke in with live coverage of the Challenger Shuttle explosion. He was the news reader on Good Morning America, so he covered the story until Jennings came in. I think he’s the main anchor on a local newscast somewhere in the U.S. now. * [/non- sequitur]*

I was in my car all day so I switched between NPR and ABC. The woman who announced for ABC (I never caught her name) had a heck of a time with “Nacadoches”. She seemed sure that it deserved a hispanic accent, yet couldn’t figure out which sylable it belonged to. BTW, it’s pronounced “NACK-a-doh-chis” by most locals- and the accent should be hillbilly.

:smack: That would be “syllable” .

and that’s instant karma for mocking someone else… color me sorry

The NBC guy when it first aired was a tool. He kept calling the shuttle the Challenger, and asked Buzz Aldrin about being on the shuttles. Then he kept pressing Buzz to talk about how he felt about people dying. At least Soledad O’Brian could ask him something relavent and not insensitive.