Who WOULDN'T you want reading your posts on here?

One of my friends, one cousin, most of my colleagues, and my sister-in-law.

My grandmother. She’s hard core Baptist, and would be saddened to have to decide that one of her grandchildren was going to hell.

My cats. They would be very upset that I discuss details of their personal lives with strangers.

Nobody. I haven’t posted anything here I wouldn’t say face-to-face to anyone I know. Posting something you wouldn’t want published in your hometown newspaper is foolish, IMO. If there’s any reason you wouldn’t want someone seeing it, then don’t post it. Less trouble that way.

That’s sad. I like geeky, freeky, and everyone should be immature sometimes.

My father. I love him dearly, but he was emotionally abusive and I’ve discussed the damage he’s done here. Knowing how much harm he’s done would be devastating and there isn’t anything he can do about it. He still gets out of line sometimes, and so far every man who’s loved me and met him has wanted to deck him at least once because of something he did to me in their presence, but he genuinely doesn’t realize how bad he is. He may not have protected me when I needed him most, but I’ll still protect him.

Fortunately for me, the old curmudgeon considers this message board a silly waste of time, and I’m not going to disabuse him of the notion! :wink:


I mentioned last night that I had posted something about my cat, Glenn. You should have seen the look he gave me! It was much like the one he gave me the time I told him to be nice to his new brother, Allessandro, because he [Glenn] was adopted too.

Seriously though… the only thing I might even question wanting anyone to know about was the time I posted about my then-roommate’s prescription drug addiction and how she was buying all this stuff online and I was pretty sure she’d stolen some software I had and sold it. And when I think about it, since I did make clear that this was really breaking my heart because we’d been friends for a long time, I don’t think I’d even want to keep her from seeing that. When she got out of the hospital it took awhile for her to get in touch but we’ve since talked very frankly about what went on (except for the apparent software theft, but after her OD, seizures, and two-week coma, she truly has no memory of most of that time and several months prior, so what would it solve? it’s gone and not coming back, I’m just thankful she’s alive, clean, and happy) and are as close now as we ever were, if not more so because of what we went though then.

There’s maybe one sex-related thread I might not want my mom to see but it wouldn’t particularly bother me if anyone else did. Oh, and the guy at work that I told I wasn’t into that stuff, because I wasn’t interested in doing anything of the sort with him.