It’s not certain until I have an MRI on Thursday, but the doc is pretty sure that’s what I have. There’s no pain unless I move my arm the wrong way; for instance, sometimes I forget and try to reach back for the seat belt with my left hand instead of reaching across with my right. I’m guessing I may be in for some PT. I let it go for months, but I’m tired of having my range of motion limited so much.
I have, but in my hip. I ended up having surgery to repair it and remove the bone spur which caused it. I was in a lot of pain prior to the surgery, and after the operation and some PT I was much better.
I had an anterior tear in my labrum when I dislocated my shoulder. Eventually I had arthroscopic surgery but it basically made no difference, I wish I had done the open shoulder surgery, which while more invasive and a longer recovery time, I believe has better results in the long-term. That said I’ve never dislocated it since and I feel like I have pretty good function.