Who's more annoying, Jar Jar Binks or Kylo Ren?

Jar Jar is more annoying but both are equally disappointing in their roles (JJ as comic relief, Kylo as a bad guy). Kylo was a sulky dork. He did mean things because the script made him, but he never came across as convincingly dangerous or tragic or whatever.

Yes. That’s the point. Hitler was a dorky vegetarian with a stupid mustache.

It turns out that in real life many of the people who commit horrible crimes aren’t charismatic badasses who pull off their genocidal massacres with style and a clever quip. They’re often pathetic losers who you’d feel sorry for, if only they didn’t murder people to compensate for their loserdom.

Kylo Ren isn’t a badass. He’s a loser, but he can kill people with his mind, which makes him a murderous loser. He’s like Dinkle the Unloveable Loser from Tom the Dancing Bug.

I’ve met quite a few sulky dorks who have committed repeated acts of extreme violence and appalling cruelty. That’s often what the bad guys in real life look like. They can’t all be charming psychopaths or erratic sociopaths (though I’ve met my share of them too.)

Because emo goths are popular.:wink:
Seriously the basic problem is, they don’t take enough time to develop the character.
I don’t hate Jar Jar Binks.

Sure. Doesn’t come through the character on the screen though.

I haven’t seen a complete Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi. But, I’m pretty sure Mr. Jar is closely related to a Mr. J. J. Evans.

Jar jar binks was more annoying by far. In another context things might have been different. He’s a funny character with silly mannerisms. I mimic him to make my young son laugh, but he was terrible for Star Wars. I find nothing annoying about Kylo Ren. He’s a troubled young man and will become more fearsome as the trilogy progresses.

I thought Kylo Ren was great – a struggling kid with poor confidence but a lot of power trying to live up to a bullshit legacy. A very interesting villain, even if he wasn’t as scary or intimidating as Vader.

I haven’t seen the Force Awakens but it has to be Kylo. Jar Jar was a lovable goofball who saved the bacon of a lot of people. That scene where he has the Roger Roger stuck to his foot and he’s flopping it around to shoot other Roger Rogers was classic Jar Jar.

But he came across as a sulky dork, which is how my sulky dorks who committed atrocious acts came across.

Evil’s not just banal, it’s often dorky. :smiley:

Which reminded me that by far, the least welcome return of the “old gang” was 3PO, who is just as insufferable as in the prequels and has absolutely nothing to contribute at this point. Here’s hoping he makes some kind of noble sacrifice right after the crawl of Ep.8 so we see no more of him.

Emo Kylo Ren:

Did we ever see Jar Jar using some DYNOMITE?

The answer is Jar Jar Binks. I spent the whole movie wishing he would die.

Kylo Ren was only annoying because the actor looked sort of like a whole bunch of other actors but not close enough and it drove me nuts. I eventually decided he was the love child of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hiddleston.

Jar Jar is much worse, by miles. There is no suitable role for Jar Jar. His mere presence on screen is like nails on a chalkboard.

Kylo Ren is only a problem because he’s trying to fill Vader’s shoes. He’s perfectly acceptable as a supporting character, but he’s totally unsuited for the role of Big Bad. TFA could have fixed that problem, for me at least, by adding in a character like Grand Moff Tarkin. (That’s Peter Cushing’s role from the original Star Wars if your nerd powers are weak.)

Take a look at the cast of sulky dorks, resentful losers, small-timers, preening buffoons, basement-dwelling nerds and nobodies who ran the real-life Nazi party. Seriously.

I honestly think it is brilliant that the bad guys in the new Star Wars movie are presented this way. Stunted children who don’t care how many people die as long as they get their ego filled.

Kylo came across as a petulant child, but that was the intention. Jar Jar came across as a pain in the ass racist stereotype (you could drop him into Gone with the Wind, no problem) which was not the intention.
Kylo wants to be like Vader. He is actually like Rich Moranis as Dark Helmet in Spaceballs.

I never thought of Kylo Ren as annoying.

He’s a tragic character. I agree with the other comments here. Kylo Ren meant to be kind of pathetic. He’s human, he struggles with himself, he demonstrates his weakness and his inadequacy. When he takes off his mask, he reveals that he isn’t a monster… He’s just some dork with a big nose. It’s almost like he’s one of those Columbine losers.

The goal is to make him sympathetic, so that you empathize with him, and hold out the hope that he might be redeemed and be a good guy after all. Darth Maul was a great character from a design standpoint, but he was also completely expendable. Maul had almost no lines and no emotional story arc. He was just a disposable comic book bad guy and garnered no sympathy from the audience.

Totally. He’s completely out of his depth. The Giant Hologram is using him, and the Nazi general is super pissed off that Ren thinks he’s hot shit when he’s nothing but a tool, and the Nazi General can’t tell him that, has to swallow Ren’s attitude. Ren throws tantrums, and everyone knows it and knows to stay out of his way–but people don’t come across as taking him as a serious leader. It’s not clear whether he realizes that at all.

Vader was more iconic, but Ren is a much more interesting villain to me, so far.

As for Jar Jar, did y’all watch that interview with his actor recently? It’s kind of heartbreaking: the Jar Jar voice is something the actor liked to do to make his young cousins laugh, and he genuinely thought his on-screen antics would make him a beloved character in the universe. He was devastated when reviews started coming in; all these years later, it sounds like it’s still not something he’s entirely over. I think Lucas made a terrible decision in his direction, but I have nothing but sympathy for the actor now.

From what people say about him, maybe he should.