Who's Ready For More People Pages Updates? (Or, It's About TIME!)

Thanks, Shayna. You are doing a FANTASTIC job of keeping this updated.

How does everyone like my pic?

Thank god nobody has found those pictures of me…yet. :smiley:

Good lord, is that REALLY a picture of Jillgat? What’s that noise I hear? Hm. Must be my heart breaking… :slight_smile:

Hey, I second a mandatory requirement that everyone on the People Pages comes to our party! Woo! Thanks 'Pun.

We’ll be taking pix at the party with our digital camera. Can they go up on the PP?

Gracis, Shayna.

He’s the heavy in Dickens’ Oliver Twist (or, in more accessible form, the musical Oliver).

What I want to know is, where are the pix of:
C’mon, ladies, send your best photos to Shayna!


Nice job with the updates. Thank you for resizing my pic accordingly. I’m sorry I sent it to you so small; I just really can’t seem to get the hang of a lot of computer imaging-type stuff. All the pics look great. I know that The People Pages take a lot of time to do, and we are glad you do it. It’s always cool to put faces with poster names.

iampunha… and thank you for the compliment. Actually, I would love to come to the party you mentioned. Where is it? I live on the East coast, Mid-Atlantic region, so hopefully you guys are close enough to visit. That would be real boss!

(I wanted to go to the NYC Dopers’ party the weekend of May 12, but I gotta work all that weekend, so no soap!)

Thanks again!

Many thanks, Shayna. Now I wonder if my picture will draw the ire of missbunny, BunnyGirl and Silly Rabbit.

Wow, somebody likes me. But then Slug can make anybody look good. - Jill

Hehehe. The first compliment is always free. The next’ll cost ya. :smiley:

:: running out to lose 15 pounds and schedule a session with a boudoir photographer ::


Great job job on the People Pages! Thanks for all the work you put into doing this for us all.

Shayna, I’d like to make you an offer :slight_smile:

Would you like the domain peoplepages.teemingmillions.com ? (free, with hosting)? You could move the people pages off geocities and get rid of the ads that way, plus it’s easier to remember. You’d be in total control of it, with full FTP access (and even cgi bin if you wanted/needed one) and have all the rights that any of my hosting clients have (I run a hosting business) … plus you could have an @teemingmillions.com email address ;D

Let me know.

I apologize. I have no best picture. I am hideously ugly, and few will ever see me. Like my father always told me before he would start to hit me, “You’re as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly.” Or maybe that was Abe Simpson. Too much pain to remember clearly. :frowning:

I thought of a picture from behind once, but then people would just keep asking “What about the front???” It’s best that things like me stay hidden, to fall unnoticed between the cracks of a beauty-centric society.

Am I bitter this morning? I must be. Just never mind. I’m going back to my Board to hide.

Dear, dear Anthracite:

Your father was clearly an idiot and an imbecile. He was or Abe Simpson. Whichever made you feel bad about yourself. Dumb and ugly? I am quite sure you are neither. I have seen your posts and know that you are not dumb. I also have seen your posts and know that you are not ugly. Ugly is what your father sounds like for daring to touch you. Please, send a picture of the view of yourself that you prefer best and anyone that bothers you about it will have to deal with me! :slight_smile:

Thank you Heloise; I’m OK now.
I’m sorry about the self-pity hijack (once again). My only excuse is I was frightened by some noises last night and didn’t sleep much, and was kinda low and worn out in the morning. Please carry on.

Anthracite, the beauty of this place is that we judge people by their words, their ideas. And I think I speak for all of us when I say that you’re just fine the way you are.

I’m just wondering what kind of noises would frighten the Dark Queen of the Unholy Lesbian Vampire Army of the Night.

Well, it’s not the noises themelves. It’s being woken up by them. I wake up with a flash of paralyzing fear that men are going to hurt me again. Which is why I always have the guns beside my bed.

Unless you think it’s been hijacked enough…

Feh, it wasn’t like we were discussing any deep topics anyway. Shayna was just giving us all a heads up. No need to feel bad about it. And you can count me among those who want to see a picture.

BTW, great job, Shayna! I was hopeful for about a microsecond when I saw Cecil Adams name up there, then I realized it had to be a Slug’toon.