By that, I mean guys like Mark Cuban and Mark Zuckerberg, both of which effectively won the lottery- Cuban literally got lucky and sold the moderately successful for a wildly inflated price during the height of the intenet boom, and Zuckerberg was in the right place at the right time with the right product, which wasn’t even all that amazing. Facebook basically took off because it was the MySpace for non-ghetto people, not because it was really that superior.
Yet people talk about Cuban like he’s some kind of business wizard, and quote Zuckerberg like he knows more about the tech industry and business than say… Steve Jobs or Larry Ellison, much less guys twice his age who are also successful, but not quite so rich.
Contrast this with people like Warren Buffet, who’s built his fortune the long way, and is a billionaire by virtue of skill and tenacity instead of large scale good fortune.
I don’t get it; I don’t give a damn what Cuban or Zuckerberg have to say; they don’t have a proven track record in my eyes (especially Zuckerberg). Cuban has some experience, but most of it is post-billionaire experience, which makes it a lot easier to take risk.