Why am I not hungry?

He was active on the SDMB as recently as Dec. '15, so it probably wasn’t that (hopefully).

I’ve had this problem for a few years but attributed it to the general state of my current life. I’ve always enjoyed eating but that was when my life was in a much better state than it is now. I never would have believed someone like me could go through days without even thinking about food.

My current life has been one tragedy after another followed by a long endless coasting though the rest of the days of my life. Everything seems like such an effort, no appetite (except for pop tarts and peanut butter M & Ms), lack of concentration.

And cold - always cold - I even wear long sleeve shirts in the summer.

Just recently found out I have a bit of a thyroid issue.

So maybe this is all physical and not a reaction to the hand I’ve been dealt?

I had no idea that lack of appetite was one of the symptoms for an under active thyroid.

I find it interesting in an objective kind of way.

I’m glad I took the time to read through this thread.

Well, even though it’s a zombie, someone’s reading it so:

It could just be hormones. As a young woman I would have cycles where I was so ravenous I could’ve eaten the furniture, and then cycles where I couldn’t be bothered to lick the salt off a cracker.

That being said, if you’re worried enough to ask advice about it, you’re worried enough that you should see a doctor.