Why am I so freakin' hungry all the time?

You probably have a zillion diseases! Seek medical attention at once, or you’ll die.

The reason it’s alarming to so many is that unexplained weight loss is a symptom of a variety of very damaging and deadly diseases. If you feel that you *can * explain it- more exercise, time change- then fine. I wouldn’t worry about it. But, especially if you have medical insurance, or even without, it’s cheap enough to get a couple of blood tests just to rule out a few things. It would set your mind at ease, and possibly prevent a host of problems in the future. Annual or biannual physicals are the norm for grownups, anyway- what’s the harm in getting a checkup?

I’m sure that in the winter, people naturally want to eat more, and eat more carbs. And the thing with carbs, simple ones like mac n cheese or mashed potatoes or bread, is that within an hour or two your blood sugar drops, causing even more hunger. That’s why they (used to?) say that after eating Chinese food, you’ll be hungry again in an hour. Could that be what’s going on?

People really get all exciting about such negligible amounts of weight? Apparently so. Well I got on the scale this morning to check what the heck is up with my weight, and I am exactly the weight at on my drivers license, which is my typical weight. Yes, I actually do weigh what my drivers license says! These don’t seem like abnormal fluctuations to me, it just stuck out in my mind because I’m hungrier and am eating more, so I was expecting to be gaining weight. The fact that I’m not seemed a little odd. Not life-threateningly odd, just peculiar.

My co-worker was just diagnosed with having a freaky parasite, which caused her to lose 25 pounds in a month. Just saying, freaky parasite.

I always eat less during summer when it is warmer, and feel noticeably hungrier in the fall when the weather begins cooling off.
I (tallish, thinnish) tend to weigh more in the winter, but that happens over time.

Where can I get one of these? :smiley:

As of this morning, I am exactly at my playing weight. The peak (valley?) of weight loss was 4 lbs over the course of 3ish weeks. My parasite is either dead, or not very freaky. :frowning: I’m still hungrier than usual, though. Maybe I should kick the exercise back down to what it used to be, and see if that changes anything. Or maybe I’ll just go with things. I like eating.

I second that. I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for more than 20 years, and it drives me batty when people pronounce it dia-BEEHT-us. No matter how sexy his or her mustache may be.

Aside from that, I’d go get checked out by my doctor asap. Even if it’s not diabetes, it could be something serious. Best of luck!

I suppose I appreciate the concern, but I am not worried even a little bit over feeling hungry. Everyone’s getting wrapped up in the weight loss when 1) it was very little weight, 2) so little that I didn’t notice until I got on the scale because I was curious if I was gaining anything due to increased food consumption and 3) finally, the weight loss has evaporated, and I am exactly at playing weight again. My main thing was that I am hungry more, am eating more, but am not gaining any weight. Maybe it’s because I’ve ratcheting up the exercise, maybe it’s because I’m dying.

If I die the, say, 11th poster in this thread gets my stuff. I picked that number randomly, and did not scroll up to see who it is.

Not even a little bit? :wink:

Has there been any change to how you digest stuff? I am hungry all the time, too, but due to accelerated peristalsis - food doesn’t stay in my stomach long. I’ve had tests up the wazoo (literally) and the consultants don’t know why. I once took a barium meal that went through my system 10x faster than normal and they had to x-ray me over the course of an hour, rather than over the course of a day.

Since I’m not losing weight, I now believe I get most of my nutrition from beer.

(BTW if you don’t see a doctor about this now, your ass will drop off. Run! Run before it’s too late.)

Okay, maybe just a tad.

Not that I’m aware of.

When I want to consume something nutritious, I spring for a greyhound. Grapefruit juice is good for you, you know. It’s probably the reason my ass is still in place.

If you die, Johnny L.A. gets your stuff.
I think he deserves it because I giggled at his post and got a dirty look from my boss.

Me too. Some months are worse than others, but generally, the four days before my period hits I’ll eat anything that’s not moving.

It’s nice to hear that I’m not alone. It’s weird.

She got her freaky parasite in Vermont.

Its worms!
